Lottie's Gothic Rose Festival Schedule + Extras


Jun 16, 2010
Pear (Fruit)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Tasty Cake
New Horizons Token
So, based on the information below, nintendo have slightly imrpoved the capture rate but...THE APPEARANCE RATE IS STILL THE SAME AS LAST TIME. The gold bats are 25% appearance rate, the gold butterflies from rover's garden safari were also 25% appearance rate and whites 35%. At least the catch rate is higher because that was the main problem...but we have even LESS time to this next event than before.

For rover's event we had 7 days for part 1 and 6 days for part 2. This new event we'll have 6 days for part 1, 5 days for part 2. Nintendo have you not learnt from all the feedback xD

Lottie's event starts 1st February.


Also for those who are unaware, we're getting a new animal group called hip and loads of new furniture/animals/amenities coming on 30th january (i think).

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Ooh, I want the goth outfits. Plus, that hip tent is adorable!

Thanks for the detailed info.
I want everything! (except maybe the big red boot which I never understood why it was supposed to be a seat in New Leaf) And I am so glad we are getting more camper patterns.
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One of those campers looks like a rover pattern, second rover camper? I'm loving the mushroom amenities and those new flowers <3

I managed to get everything last time, MY BODY IS READY, BRING IT
Agh I’ll be working with no phone or iPad access for the first two days! I can’t devote my life to it like last time. I really want those dresses and the wig! I think the balloon castle could be hilarious if the campers are jumping!
Nintendo tweeted that they heard the feedback that was submitted about the Rover Event, and I do believe the release of that graphic and the information it contains confirms that they have heard the feedback and tweaked the upcoming Lottie event. I really appreciate the transparency about the catch rates for the upcoming event. While the appearance and catch rates are still on the low side (especially for the rare bats) it appears the catch rate from sharing butterflies has been significantly increased. While the spawn and catch rates were very frustrating and ultimately made the Rover Event a lot less fun than the previous events, the best part about it was how it brought friends together to help one another. The tweaks they've made will not only help people finish the event successfully, but they've essentially highlighted the best part from the previous event by encouraging people to share even more during this event due to the better catch rate.

My suggestion would be to prepare for the event by finding good friends who will actively share bats and will work toward returning bats that have been shared with them. I believe some people may have been holding onto butterflies during the Rover Event because it was a new format and people weren't quite sure how it worked. There are plenty of wonderful people on this forum who are more than willing to help their friends out. I would also encourage everyone to share bats with your friends because there is no real reason to hold onto them. Look at your visitors tab to see who left what for you, and be sure to return the kindness your friends show you. I'm confident people will have more success with this event if we are all diligent about sharing!
I'm the most excited for the hip amenities and that wig! I need to prep for the event, and also for Host the Most! I'm so hype about this huge update!
Nintendo tweeted that they heard the feedback that was submitted about the Rover Event, and I do believe the release of that graphic and the information it contains confirms that they have heard the feedback and tweaked the upcoming Lottie event. I really appreciate the transparency about the catch rates for the upcoming event. While the appearance and catch rates are still on the low side (especially for the rare bats) it appears the catch rate from sharing butterflies has been significantly increased. While the spawn and catch rates were very frustrating and ultimately made the Rover Event a lot less fun than the previous events, the best part about it was how it brought friends together to help one another. The tweaks they've made will not only help people finish the event successfully, but they've essentially highlighted the best part from the previous event by encouraging people to share even more during this event due to the better catch rate.

My suggestion would be to prepare for the event by finding good friends who will actively share bats and will work toward returning bats that have been shared with them. I believe some people may have been holding onto butterflies during the Rover Event because it was a new format and people weren't quite sure how it worked. There are plenty of wonderful people on this forum who are more than willing to help their friends out. I would also encourage everyone to share bats with your friends because there is no real reason to hold onto them. Look at your visitors tab to see who left what for you, and be sure to return the kindness your friends show you. I'm confident people will have more success with this event if we are all diligent about sharing!

I would agree with you but they've reduced the amount of days for the event so in the end they haven't balanced it at all. It's easier to catch the creatures but with the spawn rates being "exactly the same as rover's events" and we have less time to do it pretty much balances it to be exactly the same as before lol

I see what they've done though, they've made it easier but because it's less time it'll be exactly the same difficulty imo.
Que the whiners! Oh wait...

I'm excited either way. It's a game, and these items look like they're worth the effort.
God hopefully people don't complain as much this time.
They want you to spend that $$$ lmao it's not going to be insanely easy.
I would agree with you but they've reduced the amount of days for the event so in the end they haven't balanced it at all. It's easier to catch the creatures but with the spawn rates being "exactly the same as rover's events" and we have less time to do it pretty much balances it to be exactly the same as before lol

I see what you mean about the reduced amount of time, but as long as people are sharing, I suspect it will be much easier to complete the event with that 95% catch rate. It's hard to know for sure until we play the event, but I'm going to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt on this one.

EDIT: I misread the infographic and it doesn't seem the catch rate will be higher for shared vs spawned butterflies. The 95% refers to how often you will get seeds and from what source (shout out and thank you to ravenblue). Still the lowest rate for catching is 48%, which still seems much higher than the Rover Event. There is still no reason to hold onto bats though, so I'd still encourage people to help their friends! :blush:

God hopefully people don't complain as much this time.
They want you to spend that $$$ lmao it's not going to be insanely easy.

I just want to acknowledge that there is a difference between complaining and forming an educated opinion based on research and experience, and using that to provide constructive feedback to Nintendo. Like the new feature that tells you that your friends gardens need water? That is because people offered feedback in order to bring about change to provide a better experience to users. If people enjoyed the first part of the Rover Event, that is awesome, but those opinions are no more or less valid than the opinions of those who didn't. It is OK to have an opinion one way or another. Just my two cents.
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What were the catch rates on shared butterflies last time? I always felt they were a bit higher, but nothing like 90% and 95%. Is everyone missing that bit? Yeah, you cant grow as many on your own but seems to me that a shared bat will be almost a guaranteed catch?
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What were the catch rates on shared butterflies last time? I always felt they were a bit higher, but nothing like 90% and 95%. Is everyone missing that bit? Yeah, you cant grow as many on your own but seems to me that a shared bat will be almost a guaranteed catch?

I'm not sure that information was ever disclosed, but it really feels like it was less than 50% based on my personal experience (though I didn't do detailed research). It seems like we will catch slightly over 9 out of every 10 bats that are shared during this event. That seems markedly improved! BTW, I've got you on my list for some bats Sierra ;)
You're high on my priority list to Mopy. My strategy last time was share back whatever was shared to me and I caught, and try and make up any defect with grown ones later in the day.

I settled into a pattern with certain friends. I really liked how others settled into the same. Especially ones not met on here so we had no way to communicate. Sometimes Id get 3 or 4 at a time and catch nothing, and feel bad I had nothing to give, yet they still shared with me again when their crops came in later because they knew that it was because of capture rates.
I love the event items, but I will be working more during this event, so I probably won't be able to play as much. However, last time I didn't understand about sharing butterflies for the first few days, and this time I will from the beginning, so that's good. I will be playing like crazy when I can. :) I think the improved catch rate is going to make a huge difference. Remember that it means you will have more to share, which will be very helpful. It was so frustrating to have 3-4 butterflies shared, and not catch any of them.
What were the catch rates on shared butterflies last time? I always felt they were a bit higher, but nothing like 90% and 95%. Is everyone missing that bit? Yeah, you cant grow as many on your own but seems to me that a shared bat will be almost a guaranteed catch?

I'd like to know this to (puts detective hat on*).

Also yea I agree with the guy above, i loved the rover event and it just makes me laugh at some of the chaos it caused. I never got proper angry but I can understand the people who get annoyed cos they're working 9-5 and didn't have much time for the event. I feel this game is aimed at adults so nintendo should cater to that need and remember alot of them are working. Same with pokemon, the fanbase have grown up alongside the series and are now all working adults.

I'm glad they improved the catch rates and stuff it's just funny to joke about how difficult it is, you gotta laugh lol Getting angry at them failing to create a fair event isn't fair on the developers/designers because rover's garden safari was their first event and yes they messed up a bit but they are only human in the end. It's not like computers are figuring out this chance rate, it's input by real people so there's gonna be some hit and miss sometimes until they get that "sweet spot".
I interpreted that share rate to mean the reward in seeds you get when you share bats with friends, rather than catch rates of bats. So the catch rate is what is represented in the far left boxes, and the seed reward rates from fulfilling villager requests and sharing various bats in friends gardens are in the boxes running to the top right. Am I misreading that?