Love for Rasher


Jan 14, 2021
User Title Color Change (Seashells)
Tasty Cake
I think he’s my favourite cranky villager- which is pretty crazy because there are so many good cranky villagers out there, and many more are popular. But for me Rasher’s got a super expressive and mischievous design. May be speaking from my Wild World days when he was in my town though. 😄


Does anyone else love this under appreciated delinquent?
awhhh i love rasher so much 😄💞
my sister gave me his amiibo the other day (i had been asking for it for so long haha)

honestly, he isn't my favourite cranky but he's definately in the top 5 💖
Speaking of Wild World and Rasher I remember him fondly as one of my starting villagers. Wild World was my first game in the series too so it was extra special. I treated him and my other two starters (Dotty and Dora) as besties. I found him a bit creepy/intimidating at first but he quickly grew on me. :)

I haven't had him since Wild World but I definitely have fond memories of him. He lived in the house closest to me as well. :)
Love him.

Had him in WW, and he was my NL starter.

I evicted him because of the crappy house exterior, but he was awesome. :)
I'd like to join the Rasher fan club! 🐷
Had him as a starter in Wild World, and i just loved him, he never left my town. So he will always be one of my fave cranky villagers :D love his unusual smile 😃
awe, i honestly really like rasher! years ago, i enjoyed watching redpandagamer’s city folk playthrough on youtube and he had rasher as a villager for a while. it’s such a silly thing but whenever he did commentary while talking to rasher, he’d read his dialogue in an arnold schwarzenegger voice and i don’t know why but younger me really liked it and now, i’m a bit sentimental when it comes to rasher aha. but besides that, he’s genuinely super cool and definitely deserves more love! ☺️
He’s adorable! I’ve had him a lot in past games.
Rasher was my FAVORITE cranky until ACNL! He has so much character. I love his scars, his color, his kekeke smile. I really fell in love with his design. I loved his decor in NL, slob vibes. Pigs are a top tier animal class for me too. He's still a fave but I find his coloring a bit off this game and I don't like his house (exterior or interior) so I'm trying out Dobie. I have Rasher's Amiibo so I can scan him in any time.
I met this guy in New Leaf, when he joined the two pigs I had as starters (Truffles and Pancetti) and he's now among my favorite crankies. I love his facial expressions. He had a much nicer house in NL though, and that's what's keeping me from taking him in on Espera. I can admire him from afar, though
My favourite cranky villager, and my favourite overall, is Gruff but Rasher is one of my Super Seven top villagers ... I love him !!
I haven't had the luck to have him in my town yet, however from his looks I can say he would be super suitable for a pirate island theme 😍
I have rasher! I changed his catchphrase from "swine" to "oinkers" cuz he keeps pronouncing it as "sween" and it bothered me lol now he got most of my villagers saying "oinkers" xD
Honestly even though I don't like him so much, I don't hate him either, I can definitely see the appeal, he's very much a character and I think he definitely works as like the shady guy in your island who turns out was never shady at all and is actually very sweet!
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The Rash man probably has my favorite all-time facial expression in Animal Crossing.

Also that face expression is definitely amazing, I love it, what a mood