Cycling low tier cycling [boxes: ---]

Oooh! If you find Blanche, may I reserve her? ; v;
I just wanted you to know I got Bluebear <33
But if I could reserve Skye, that's be nice~
Thank you for cycling!
skye is not t3 and below. congrats on getting bluebear. c:
will add you to reserve list piyo.
i think there was one other person looking for pekoe but i will let you know if she becomes available
Sorry to bug you again, but since I made my last post, another forum member offered Olivia to me, and I was able to adopt her. So, can you undo my reservation for Olivia? Thanks!
I would love to reserve Joey if no one has.. and hes still aval. i have been trying forever to get him. lol, Great idea on the lower tier animals. There as some great animals in them:)
if i find willow, i will be keeping her for my main town...
but if i find a second, yes
I finally got Lionel, so you can remove my name, if you please. Good luck! c: