Shop luca’s signature/icon shop || pay what you want!

@carackobama - finished! if there's anything you'd like edited, i can fix it for you ;)

also thanks so much everyone :,) i never expected to get any requests on here, so that...and to know that you guys like my art...has really lifted my spirits as of late.

@maisy - i'll get to that asap! :D
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i love ur icons! theyre super cute

hey! i’d like an avatar!

species: (human? rabbit?) human
skin color: not quite pale?????
eye color: black
eye shape: the sparkly one
hair color: a mix between purple and pink
hairstyle: ponytail
clothes: dress with roses on the top
background: anything

when done, submit to: (pm, email, this thread, other??) this thread pls

@dedenne2 - here's your finished icon! if you'd like for any changes to be made, send me a pm :D

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just bumping this to remind y?all...this is the last day to claim free avatars! i might prolong the sale if no one responds today, though, lol
hey! i?d like an avatar!


species: human
skin color: light tan
eye color: dark red
eye shape: up to you!
hair color: dark red
hairstyle: as shown in ref
clothes: as shown in ref
background: up to you!
other/special requests: thanks for offering these for free today. c:

when done, submit to: this thread
@amye.miller - finished; sorry that took so long!

@bunny - tysm! + no prob! ;)
@amye.miller - i’m glad you like it! :,) one of my favs, tbh.

also! btw! i’ve extended the free avatar sale — all of today’s avatar requests will be taken for free as well, and it ends on monday.
May I request?
species: human
skin color: pale
eye color: black (large eyelaashes)
eye shape: large eyes, shape is in avatar for reference
hair color: black
hairstyle: braids
clothes: plaid cami dress
background: dark purple
other/special requests: reference on my avatar
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im back for a siggy :eek:

hey! i?d like a signature!

villagers: Chrissy & Francine, Kiki & Purrl
text & where i should put it: on the bottom left side say : leader Leafstar Of Sandclan. and on the bottom right say : Camp Manager Bunny. and on the top left put in my FC ( in my sidebar ) and on the top right my PC FC? 8214 3979 941.
background: kinda cutesy?
special requests: put the cats on the left and the bunnies on the right?

when done, submit to: (pm, email, this thread, other??) this thread :)
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Hi! I'm interested in a sig but I was wondering if could get both my mayor & my other human villager in the sig along with the villagers? I'd be happy to be extra for the extra person. Thank you so much!
Also , if I can make a second request as well
species: human
skin color: pale
eye color: black (large eyelaashes) with a white eyepatch on one eye
eye shape: large eyes, shape is in avatar for reference
hair color: white
hairstyle: pixie cute
clothes: nurses outfit
background: light grey


  • 1A8E4C24-52C2-436E-8230-53089D1897AE.jpg
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Hi! I'm interested in a sig but I was wondering if could get both my mayor & my other human villager in the sig along with the villagers? I'd be happy to be extra for the extra person. Thank you so much!

yep, that'd totally be okay, just w/ an add-on as noted on the first post!

all requests accepted btw! i'll get to them asap (avatars first, then signatures, as they take a lot longer). sorry for the wait!
@bunny - finished! if there's anything you'd like added, lmk! ;)
omg these are adorable :eek: i'd love to buy if you're still doing these

[clicky here]

species: human
skin color: pale peach color
eye color: black
hair color: dark brown
hairstyle: pigtails
clothes: theres a pic of her dress at the bottom of the album
background: purple
other/special requests: can you just draw a little ghost for her hat and leave out the snail thing?

when done, submit to: PM pls
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