If I sold pictures how much btb could I sell them for..? I wouldnt be sending them or anything.. just painting and uploading..
If I sold pictures how much btb could I sell them for..? I wouldnt be sending them or anything.. just painting and uploading..
Dem skillz man..
Name- KainAronoele
Request- Would you draw these 2 please ~
Offer(Price)- 1k tbt (for headshots/busts) 2k tbt (for thigh up / fullbodies)
Reference(picture)- If only willing to do headshots/busts of them, could they just look something like this?
If you'll do FB maybe something like this or this (2nd couple, with the pink and blue hair. But maybe me not look so much like I'm strangling him? Lol)??
Thanks so much!
I can try but it might take a long time :x Like a week at minimum I'd say. Is that ok?