All I need is those fancy pens too :T I already have an iPadAAAAW your art is so frikin cute.
just need to get a god damn ipad with an electronic pen
All I need is those fancy pens too :T I already have an iPad
AAAAW your art is so frikin cute.
just need to get a god damn ipad with an electronic pen
also y'all act like digital art is inherently better than traditional art??
both are respected and take lots of time and skill lol
also y'all act like digital art is inherently better than traditional art??
both are respected and take lots of time and skill lol
a day late but here are some messy birthday scribbles for the babs :,D
also y'all act like digital art is inherently better than traditional art??
both are respected and take lots of time and skill lol
says who lmfaoCause digital art is more preferred than traditional :L
Here it is! I hope you like it. Click on the image to load HD version. Let me know if I missed anything!
Fshdjdj omg it's adorable tysm!! ;w; it looks so soft and nice and I love the colours ahhh thank you again!
Np, it was v fun! ^^Your welcome!Happy to hear you like it ^.^ Thanks again for the art trade!
Girlll your art is cute don't say thati wish i could art trade with u but i suck
I kinda ended up drawing you art for the summer art exchange! I'm pretty sure it was posted in the thread so there's that if you wanna check it out :xalso!! I seem to have made a mistake lol
~Unicorn~ dropped out, but I failed to give their santa their new match! So ~Unicorn~ still ended up getting art! The other person got art, as well, so no one got left out lol
my bad, it was a stressful time lol
waiting for u 2 open ur trades again like // ◍?-‵◍
ur art is so cute
Omggg I feel so bad for not having my half of the art trade done ;~; I've been rly busy with physics work and calculus and practicing piano and my new job... I don't even have time to do the things I need to do like what
I'm gonna work on it tonight. I'm hoping it won't be much longer until I have it done. So sorry again, I prob shouldn't do art commissions in college lmao