Okay, I haven't talked to anyone privately because I'm paranoid of you all, but there needs to be some discussion happening in here too. Please.
Cory I'm eh about. I mean, he's similar to his uh (town?) playstyle in Siren's Mafia. Spammy, quick to jump to conclusions, etc. I was a bit surprised when he led the way for the first vote since I see him more as a follower.
C r y s t a l is quiet as usual. When she's quiet, that's not good. I know as town she tries a lot more to post. Maybe it's because of PMs she's not active in here, but it reminds me a lot of her scum playstyle in Olympus. Inactive, even though I know when she's town she can post good.
Yui Z is hard for me to read tbh. She seems very.. neutral. She hasn't really commented on much besides PMs and has avoided spotlight a bit. Worries me.
Cariad is inactive, so it's hard for me to get a read.
Dad seems off. I mean, he's doing his whole reaction testing (I think?) again in the thread as he usually does. But it feels like he's not putting a lot of effort in the thread. But then again, it's been a long time since I played a PM game with him. I think the last was XCOM where he was kinda quiet and got rekt by Nick. lmao.
Karen's playstyle I think overall has changed ever since she came back to mafia, so it's a bit hard for me to make a call. I'd like her to at least post who she thinks the mafia person might be. I don't exactly understand what she means by unamed group but whatever.
Ryan88 blurted out his role as usual.
NikkiNikki I'm watching. She's a bit quiet, but it's Day 1. Not too much to compare yet to her old playstyles since she's kind of quiet on Day 1s from what IIRC anyway.
Today, I'd like to take a shot on Crystal, Cory or Yui Z. Crystal the most out of the three. I don't trust her, she's very quiet and is passing by.