@Ness - I find that information interesting, and seeing the shift in posting-style makes me suspicious of not only Apple, but Dolby as well, who had a Town lean on Apple based on his meta. At any rate, both of them should be looked into, Dolby to a greater extent if Apple happens to flip scum.
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I feel like Dolby would have been able to see a shift in play-style as blatant as that, so the fact that it's brushed to the side and is assumed to be similar meta is actually quite suspect.
Anyway, I'm back to null on him. Just gimme some time to take a look through his SU filter. I remember in a game a year earlier I miscatagorized him meta after he slipped, so gonna look at his D1 in that game onlyWe shouldn't be mass-claiming, especially given we likely have 2 KP. Trundles early claim makes me think that he's rolefishing given the amount of weight he puts in trying (and failing) to bluesnipe as maf. Idk, though. Overall, said suggestion just moved him to a scumlean, but that first post felt pretty townie
why not
it hasn't happened in a while and I think it'll be fun
if anything mass claiming d2 or d3 ruins the fun more than doing it d1, since it makes it harder for maf when there's less townsfolk
I do not agree with this at all. All a mass claim on day 1 would do is reveal blue roles to the Mafia.
Honestly starting to get a bit sick of everyone talking about massclaiming. Literally just play like we would any other game.
Mass claims are allowed, it just ruins the game for scum and other players who dislike it. I want everyone to have fun and not get mad so it would be nice if mass claiming was a last resort. You can mass claim if you want but I was being considerate of the scum players when I sent out the PM saying you shouldn't say anything about your role in the PREGAME because it could be indicative of your alignment and the game hadn't started.
The only rule about claims is that you dont discuss flavour text, mass claims are allowed but if you want to have a fun game you shouldn't do it.
The reason why I've been concerned with it is because it's ruined previous games for many players and I don't want that to happen again.
That's the problem, though. From what I've seen, Apple tends to not give away what he's thinking in making more cryptic posts, with less content, while still getting the point across that he scum-reads some people and town-reads others. You could see a mix of that and his more careful style in SU2 Mafia, but there was a fairly large shift after he made his scum slip from care-free to careful. You can see that he's playing carefully from the start in this game.
I do not agree with this at all. All a mass claim on day 1 would do is reveal blue roles to the Mafia.
Honestly starting to get a bit sick of everyone talking about massclaiming. Literally just play like we would any other game.
1. xCleb - Town reading as of last post on previous page. Contribution is very high and I am seeing no red flags.
2. Dolby - Very neutral. Dolby plays a very good and neutral scum and town from what I remember (other than the Mini Mafia where he just went AFK and oath cleared him for whatever reason). Read-wise, I can see legitimacy in his posts however I'm a natural skeptic.
3. Ayaya - Town. I think the skepticism in Ayaya's posts is genuine, however I don't like that you don't even have a single town read yet. If you were lynched or died N1 we would have little to no information to go off of.
4. Heyden - Leaning town. I haven't seen any red flags but more neutral than town.
5. Zendel - Leaning scum. Again, his posts reek of fake and his post quantity vs post quality is very quantity sided.
6. Mogyay - Neutral, I haven't seen anything notable.
7. SensaiGallade - Noob town. The fact they town read me even though all the people I would consider town (and pretty much everyone in the game) is scum leaning me goes to show me I'm playing like a ****** (probably from my stress this week but I really don't know) and Sensai doesn't pick up on it.
8. Yzanda - Neutral
9. Ashvenn - Neutral
10. Byngo - This is hard to say. Byngo has been picking on me a lot this game so far but I don't really see a proper reason. Semantics such as "why are you sus of this person more than this person" or the so called "contradiction". I think Scum Mom is on to a lot with her early game reads, but Zendel was still my priority. All in all, I agreed with scum mom's reads, but that doesn't mean scum mom's reads are my exact reads.
11. Toadsworthy - Definitely leaning mafia for Toadsworthy as well. There has been a bit of inconsistency with his posts and red flags are poppin'.
12. Kirbystarship - Thinking town, but I am now kinda wondering where he disappeared to. He wasn't under pressure or anything. He did make that one really stupid post though.
13. Brijade07 - Leaning town
14. Uttumori - To be honest I haven't read any of Uttumori's posts, I just skip them
15. Curry - I haven't seen anything from Curry yet, which raises flags in itself.
16. Arstotzkan - Town leaning
17. PandaDarling - I don't know to be honest, Panda, I'm not gonna bother
18. KermitTea - I have thought about this for like 10 seconds now and I don't know what I think so I'm putting neutral, screw you Karen
19. Qwerty111 - Leaning town
20. Apple2013 - I'm a shapeshifter one shot vigilante haha xD memes
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I forgot to color code it rip me ffs
@Apples2013 Who did you want to lynch again?
Big ol' Farobi
Are you going to give reasoning or just keep saying their scum
thoughts on game so far.
I didn't like how Appples claimed very quickly and not that much sus was on him.
Think Jacob made a mistake on sussing Bowie and he wasn't in playerlist.
Ninja seems to be laying low kinda sus right now cause of this.
Bianca didn't like how you contradict yourself.
Cleb still think you're scum the only player you seem to push is me, when you're town you focus on more than 1 players at once and you ask them a lot of questions and don't seem that from you.
Sensai seems to only post when he is getting sussed on.
Dolby is back at null for me.
Ness is likely town, don't feel him being commanding in his posts.
Kermittea is town or TP
players I haven't talked about still need to read more in to you.
Vote will likely be on apple/cleb/ninja/bianca feel like scum is in this group of 4.
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forgot to add sensai as well.
Feel like scum is in this group of 5
Cleb still think you're scum the only player you seem to push is me, when you're town you focus on more than 1 players at once and you ask them a lot of questions and don't seem that from you.
All I'm saying is that with how he is so reluctant to confirm to deny anyone in his reads makes him seem pretty fishy. It's a common scum tactic, I use it literally every game when I'm mafia.
ex: "Ness seems kinda scummy right now with his last post. However with how he posted last game I think he's probably town right now."
You essentially contradict yourself to remain neutral but still look like you're providing content in the game.