but if the system and game let you do it, then it's not cheating.
I don't think it's so much "they let us do it", but more there really isn't a way to prevent it without requiring the game to connect to a Nintendo time server every time you load your save.
Aside from being able to change the clock using the system clock, the games usually offer an in game method (preload) to change the clock, which I think is meant for desynchronization of the game clock and system clock. This could possibly happen due to daylights savings, or using multiple systems/consoles. As New Leaf calls it "Time is out of whack" (or something like that).
And then there's the CMOS battery. Sometimes the CMOS batteries can go bad which can cause the system clock to lose track of time. This would be extremely detrimental to Animal Crossing if there was a way to prevent time travel without requiring internet.
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