Let the apples roll!
If you had to make your own Pok?mon region, what Pok?mon species would be available, what would your gyms be, what type specialists would you have in the Elite Four, and what would your TMs or HMs be?
1. There cannot be any less than 200 species of Pok?mon, but no more than 400 species of Pok?mon.
2. If you include one Pok?mon from an evolutionary line, you must include them all.
3. Put all Pok?mon species in a spoiler.
4. The starter Pok?mon must be Pok?mon that were starters in previous generations. You can even mix them up (i.e. Turtwig, Charmander, Popplio) if you want.
5. You cannot have all special Pok?mon (legendary Pok?mon, mythical Pok?mon, and Ultra Beasts). You can have only up to two sets of box cover legendaries and related Pok?mon, three other sets of legendary Pok?mon (Mewtwo is on his own), and three mythical Pok?mon.
6. You have to make up your own badges. No using other badges.
7. You must have between 50 to 100 TMs and 5 to 10 HMs. They can be any move as long as you?re using all 18 types, not using signature moves, and can?t be all of the same type (physical, special, status).
8. You are not required to fill out all fields. You can just talk about the gyms. But if you do fill all fields, be sure to follow the rules.
1. There cannot be any less than 200 species of Pok?mon, but no more than 400 species of Pok?mon.
2. If you include one Pok?mon from an evolutionary line, you must include them all.
3. Put all Pok?mon species in a spoiler.
4. The starter Pok?mon must be Pok?mon that were starters in previous generations. You can even mix them up (i.e. Turtwig, Charmander, Popplio) if you want.
5. You cannot have all special Pok?mon (legendary Pok?mon, mythical Pok?mon, and Ultra Beasts). You can have only up to two sets of box cover legendaries and related Pok?mon, three other sets of legendary Pok?mon (Mewtwo is on his own), and three mythical Pok?mon.
6. You have to make up your own badges. No using other badges.
7. You must have between 50 to 100 TMs and 5 to 10 HMs. They can be any move as long as you?re using all 18 types, not using signature moves, and can?t be all of the same type (physical, special, status).
8. You are not required to fill out all fields. You can just talk about the gyms. But if you do fill all fields, be sure to follow the rules.