How does one go about making flowers look nice together?
So far I’ve ended up with only using white tulips and a couple white cosmos, with the exception of Bobs purple tulip front garden.
My island doesn’t have much of a theme going on, but I wanted to know how you decide what flowers to have/ the colours to go with. Do you go by type of flower or colour coordinations?
If you search acnh flower palettes (or something similar) someone has made a lot of wonderful resources of what flowers go together for different kinds of aesthetics.
On my island I tend to prefer having a limited colour scheme for different areas but varied flowers - outside my resident services and Ruby's house it's pink and white, in my gardens it's blue and white, then yellow and pink around the sculptures. I have a beehive/bug hotel area with blue and purple hyacinths, and in the woodland area I use individual white hyacinths or lily of the valleys at the base of trees.
Honestly experimenting is a lot of fun, there's often hybrid giveaways here so it's easy enough to play around with ideas
As ReeBear mentioned, there's the colour pallettes, I've not used them personally, but I tend to use complimentary colours, or colours which go together, so in my fairy garden I have a mix of flowers, but they're pink and white, in my bee garden, I have all the colours, but they're more in a rainbow, and else where I have blue and pink, but a mix of flowers
I like to think of the color and style of the surrounding areas and then of the flowers themselves. I never use just one type of flower because it looks boring to me. I also think of how I can use flowers to transition areas and make things look more cohesive.
For example, I have a French/lavender field themed café area and so I used the blue and purple hyacinths (to resemble lavender), but decided to break up the shape by using white cosmos. This also softened the color story. I then kept going with the white cosmos but in conjunction with blue windflowers to transition into another area that was predominantly blue themed. My idea is to use either the same flower or the same color to tie areas together.
I also like breaking up shapes- like roses and hyacinths: one is round the other thin and long. You can do a lot of combinations this way. For Rudy’s house I used orange hyacinths and red pansies together.
Experiment by putting different flowers together seeing which shapes and colors you like. The intensity of the colors change by flower. Blue windflowers and roses are much darker than blue hyacinths. Even white flowers have different tones, so you can end up with a lot of nice combinations, but like I said, it does take some experimenting.
I'm really bad with flower decorating. My island was so overrun cause I didn't have a clue what to do with them. I finally just started digging them up and selling them(I went through at least 10 shovels). I have one cliff that is covered on purpose with hyacinths of all colors and a handful of windflowers(blue and pink and 1 rogue orange). I have blue pansies around my orchard and white/pink roses near my resident services. One thing I tend to do is put flowers by villagers homes but I'm trying to not do that cause it really doesn't look good. Plus I feel like some villagers wouldn't want flowers either. I some random flowers here and there(lillies by my well, hyacinths near a holding pond or a tree stump. lilles of the valley wherever they sprung up). I have hyacinths and a couple purple roses by my house. When I did my flower purge I made a fenced garden with all the types of flowers and hybrids I had so that if I want to use them for something later I already have them). I have to spots with black roses making gold roses and a spot with blue roses but I'm not sure where I'm going to use them yet I;m just trying to make sure they dont get out of control again.
I tend to use a lot of white since it seems to pretty much go with anything! If you take a look at the color of items and or buildings in the area you’re planting flowers, you can plant some in that color to compliment it or a complimentary color (opposite on color a color wheel) to make it stand out! Sometimes I think it’s the arrangement that makes it look nice more than anything. I try to group mine in controlled sections. Sometimes I’ll also change the ground underneath to dark dirt to make it look like flower beds. The great thing about flowers is you can endlessly experiment and dig them up over and over again!
I try to make the colours contrast each other whenever I can. I've done this with orange and blue hyacinths and they go well together. If you don't want them to multiply, you could pair them up with different flower types. You might find some eye catching combinations while you're at it.
colour palettes do seem to be the way to go, but a lot of the time i just sort of muck about with whatever I've got available until I find something that works! although white is definitely a classic go to colour, I do also just match flowers to the surroundings as well. for example I have a sort of 'magical' area that has more pink/blue/purple, and then in contrast near the beaches I tend to have more orange/red/yellow. it's all about personal preference and just finding what you like!
I love the flowers in acnh! My town is loaded with them (for real)
But if you google Wolfie of Honeywood and search by images you will find a LOT of flower arrangements for on your island its really cool what that person thought of
i like a lot of the flower arrangements mentioned earlier in this thread,,, but also i'm bad at coordinating flowers...i have a whole forest of red roses just bc theyre some of my (cliche) favorites i use a lot of pink flowers, blue roses and purple hyacinths in my fairy forest but i'm not sure if i actually like it. i'm gonna put a bunch of tulips together eventually bc tulip fields...goooooood. i wish there were sunflowers, sunflowers and red roses go so well together my island would be covered with them
I actually JUST started to get my flowers under control, digging them up so there's not so many random fields, planting them to go with different areas of my island, etc. My cliffs are still packed with hyacinths where I don't really have stuff, but I'm okay with that! I think they're actually my favorite flower to use for decorating my island anyway, so this way I'll always have a bunch that I can use to swap out as needed for the different seasons.
I definitely try to keep my Nook store in season with colors. Right now I have white roses and red tulips around the building, in front of out-of-season bushes to just have greenery there, and then I have four in-season bushes at the front, two on each side, which I always swap out so that they're always in season.
I had also just moved my house to be up on the cliff behind where it originally was, so I have a much larger yard with a pond, and I used pink and white hyacinths as accents to the path leading up to my door. Valentine's Day coming up and all. Although now I'm thinking maybe I should swap out the pink for red, to at least look a little more masculine. xD
I also have flowers outside of Abel's store, and some on the side of the cafe I have up on the cliff near that. Blue hyacinths with white tulips (generic winter vibe) for the cafe, pink roses and white hyacinths for Abel's store, with a couple blue pansies for added color.
I got rid of the violets on my island all together because I didn't really like them, and I'm thinking of doing the same with the cosmos. But they're out of the way on a top cliff, so I'm not in a hurry to be rid of them. They might make for a good summer flower to be honest. Mums are GREAT for the fall - particularly red and orange.
This is all kind of random, I know. Just throwing out some thoughts, in case it helped give anybody any ideas.