Well, with the weather changing here, I am stiff and sore just about every day. Ugh! I am finding it increasingly difficult to engage in my hobbies due to aches and fatigue. It sucks getting old! My job has been very busy, which means I have been working over 50 hours per week... Considering that I am a nurse, I know that means someone else is having it harder than me, but, I am trying my best to not complain.
I am enjoying the new Chibi Robo game! OMG, he is SO cute! Have you played it before? It has a Kirby-like feel to it, I think. Also been dabbling with HHD. Its cute, but not as fullfilling as a "real town", ya know?
Are you currently working on anything? My daughter has been trying to perfect hands and eyes. LOL I keep telling her that some of the best artists in the world don't "do" hands...but that isn't stopping her. She is a perfectionist and she is spending hours with paper and an assortment of pencils. She is working on her portfolio for an art-based high school in our area. She "only" has 4 months to get her pieces ready.
Oh, the stress of being 13...
Aw, sorry to hear that! I hope you can find some time to take it easy and recuperate from all that working. I kind of have the opposite problem, to be honest. I'm getting my hours cut instead of getting too many. They've completely changed my schedule, too, which is also annoying. But that's nothing compared to 50 hours a week. Dayum.
I haven't played it, no! It looks cute, but not really my type of game. I passed on Happy Home Designer, since it takes away a lot of the really key elements that I loved about the series. I was never that much for decorating rooms, so it's not really up my alley. I'll just hold out for the (hopeful) Wii U full game in the future.
I'm doing a blind pacifist run of Undertale, so I'm working on that and update it every day. I've also been doing a lot of Inktober art (mostly Undertale too). I was going to open up commissions this month, but I set back because I've literally be consumed by the game and I want to ride the inspiration and motivation train after having like two months of art block, which was hell. And good luck to your daughter! : ) Haha, indeed, to be young again. When I was that age, I couldn't wait to grow up. Now the years go by so quickly that it's actually kind of scary.
You're absolutely welcome : D
Well sounds like a fantastically fun game, will definitely put this on my ever-growing to buy list LOL oh the woes of being poor xD Cannot wait to see more game depictions from Undertale will be thrilled to comment as this game looks so darn unique and that always piques my interest : ) Also as for being well definitely been better, had to sadly make numerous doctor visits for different problems haha, fortunately I am at least keeping up with my health and trying to stay on top of this stuff. Hoping it clears quick with these antibiotics : O But yeah otherwise feel good and hanging with my friend soon; definitely nice to have gaming in common 8 )
Haha, well, no pressure, then! : ) It's completely consumed me, to be honest. And I'm riding a great inspiration train with it. I did some short comic things and illustrations for it (that I've been inspired to do for certain scenes and things as I play) and tumblr seems to be enjoying the contributions. I've dragged a few of my friends down with me into Undertale hell, too. I've been blind Let's Playing it and it's just so much fun. Anyway, glad to hear that you're doing OK and I hope you stay in good health. This is a nasty season of the year for unhealthiness, so I wish you the best of luck in avoiding all the sickness. Hope your problem clears soon and enjoy hanging with your friend!
Somehow I knew you'd be loving Undertale when I saw it, I was literally like "Manda's gonna love the hell out of this game isn't she?"
And I'm glad you do, I haven't bought the game yet but I'm gonna give the demo a try eventually because it looks really REALLY promising and the music is just ever so good.
Loving the art, I hope you're having a blast with it!
EDIT: Scratch the demo thing and buying, my friend LITERALLY just gifted the game to me on Steam so I too can play a blind run myself.
Yep, without a doubt. It was inspired in part by EarthBound, so I had a feeling that I was going to adore it. It's so clever and well-written, the battle system is really different and fresh, and it breaks RPG rules left and right, which I get no end of amusement from. It's just fantastic. Not to mention the characters are SUPER GREAT. I'm going to love being part of the fandom (I already do love it, for how little I've even been in it).
Glad you're enjoying the art! I really need to post more of it here. I've been doing a lot over on tumblr.
Haha, score! Hope you enjoy the game! : ) I won't post any of my other fanarts here in that case, as they might indirectly spoil some silly things about the game.