Marina and Maple price range?

These sort of questions don't belong in the HQ, though.

This would be more appropriate for the New Leaf or Villager boards.
It just said questions, though. :/ you have the power to move it, right? c;

I moved it. And the HQ is more for questions about our site and how it works. Price ranges and stuff dealing with the games should be in the boards dedicated to them.
I sold Marina easily for 15 million, but apparently that was low.
Maple ~ Around 2-3 million bells?
Marina ~ The highest I've seen her go for was 120 million (a crazy person wanted her, IK) but her average price is 30 mil.
I get Marina from Kiara - very kind person. c:
Maple ~ Around 2-3 million bells?
Marina ~ The highest I've seen her go for was 120 million (a crazy person wanted her, IK) but her average price is 30 mil.
I get Marina from Kiara - very kind person. c:

Thank you! C: I know some people who <3 maple, I think they'd pay alittle more ;)
Maple is a dreamy of mine, but I've never even owned 400k bells at a time >.>