Mario Kart 8 Official General Discussion

Since "Iggy Koopa" was taken on Nintendo Network, i had to go with my MarioBoards username "PIK (Paper Iggy Koopa) instead.

Joining the sunday tournament!.
I'm thinking of hosting a mini tourney soon. Let me know if any of yall interested.
I'm thinking of hosting a mini tourney soon. Let me know if any of yall interested.

I would be interested of course as this is the only game i can really dominate in haha!

The times might be a problem though since i live in The Netherlands :(
mario kartio DIS ASS

vroom vroom
on me way!!!

rainbow road SNES is the worst track ever

u right
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Omg i wanna play this again, still haven't reached the 10000 VR :/
Aww man, I missed the match? And WHERES THE DLC? Says Jav and I.