Mario Kart 8 Official General Discussion

I feel like I'm the only one who didn't care for Baby Park. :p

Neo Bowser City would look incredible with HD graphics, so I'm all for that!
We need to have Baby Park Mondays where we only play Baby Park over and over and over.
I never played the GameCube Mario Kart, so I can't share the hype for Double Dash's Baby Park returning, but I'm excited to see what they'll do with MK7's Neo Bowser City. I didn't like it in MK7 for the slippery turns, but so far I've noted that every MK7 track they've brought to MK8 has been amazing and turned into some of my favorite tracks. Plus, I bet they could do some fun things with anti-gravity in Neo Bowser City.
I just remembered why I stopped playing MK8 online. *^* Being bombarded with millions of items at the same time.
I'll play later.

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I"ll play now adding you.

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what is your nnid?
I can play whenever if anyone wants to race.

I personally would prefer Maka Wuhu to return. The HD graphics would make it look amazing. Too bad MK8 doesn't support section tracks. Other than that, I want Ribbon Road or SKY GARDEN. I need more nostalgia!
Enter my nnid I'm danielkang2

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Anyone wanna play add me and tell me your nnid mine is the same as my username.
Edit: Scratch that, Lucah's streaming. BIRBS!


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Just 1 Coin!.jpg
Dem coins.
What's the best vehicle combination for Tanooki Mario and Link?

I'm doing fairly good with the B Dasher and Retro Off Road for Mario, but I would like to hear people's input and preferences. :)
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What's the best vehicle combination for Tanooki Mario and Link?

I'm doing fairly good with the B Dasher and Retro Off Road for Mario, but I would like to hear people's input and preferences. :)

For Link I use the Master Cycle and Triforce Tires like most people, but I use the Standard or Golden Glider to maximize stats. I'm trying to find a good one to use with the Comet. (I like inside drifting lel)

It's still going. She just finished Holiday Star, and is doing the bonus bits. ~birb feels~ Though kinda needs to be watched start to finish. :S

What's the best vehicle combination for Tanooki Mario and Link?

I'm doing fairly good with the B Dasher and Retro Off Road for Mario, but I would like to hear people's input and preferences. :)

I use Tanooki kart, Squirrel glider and the orange monster wheels with Tanooki Mario. ~ The whole thing matches and it handles pretty nicely. ~ I'm actually preferring it to my old go to.