Giveaway Marshal that white squirrel

i am so confused
so is farobi still taking him or am i drawing a new winner

i need to get to my precious bed 4 sleepy time you people so lets make this quick

New winner. You said that he needed to be picked up ASAP and he obviously cant get him right now. It's only fair to draw a new winner.
I think Farobi is assuming she's gonna wait for him while he's at school. Which is not the case. She needs to go soon too, so please just continue on.
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Farobi wants you to hold Marshal until they can get him whenever ~ all you have to do is keep the same date. (When you log in change the time and date before you load your town)

Though quite frankly the first post said you must be able to take him immediately so.. It's your call..
As much as I would be nice and give him to Fabroni by this point it's kind of unfair to the people that entered and stayed up to get Marshal if they win. Someone new should be drawn :/
As much as I would be nice and give him to Fabroni by this point it's kind of unfair to the people that entered and stayed up to get Marshal if they win. Someone new should be drawn :/
Not to be a jerk but I agree with this. It's a Monday.
I'm not sure what time it is for everyone else lol but just announcing that it's almost 2am here x_x
well, that is right.. i am expecting someone to take him immediately. i'm REALLY sorry farobi, like REALLY sorry, but i guess i'm going to draw someone new. it's only fair considering the rules are to take him asap.
Dis thread's all intense!
Goodluck you guys!...or congrats to the winner?
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bitessss lip
oh man honestly all this excitement is almost enough for me, even without marshal.