Material hoarders, unite!


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2013
Is anyone else here a huge material hoarder? Not furniture, but materials like wood, stone, iron, gold, star fragments, etc. I hoard as many materials as I can (especially seasonal items) and then don't build anything with them unless I absolutely need the item (I just got the achievementfor crafting 200 DIY furniture yesterday to give youan idea of how bad my hoarding is). Gathering materials is a huge pain and I hate doing it! You can always make items but you can't disassemble items once they are built. I do this is other games too such as Pokémon as well. Where are my fellow AC material hoarders? Is anyone else super frugal about what they use their materials on?
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I tend to do a little of both. When I need an item I collect more than I need then store the rest for another project. I think I have a nice balance.....most of the time. I always perosnally like to keep one stack min of each material at all times. Plus extras I collect
I do this haha... I hate tapping into my stored materials so when any of my tools break, I'll go shake/chop/bash rocks until I gather enough "fresh" materials.
I definitely hoard materials. Sometimes when my anxiety is bad and I need something to focus on, I will collect materials. I especially like shaking trees, lol. I have so many pinecones and ornaments. This post reminded me that I need to build my wood stockpile back up. I have used everything except two stacks.
i can't stop storing them, honestly; i can manage to sell my tree branches off, usually, as well as my weeds, but that's generally it. any other material i come across i keep it for later.

personally, i think the reason i have that hoarder mentality with my materials is i never have enough when it comes down to doing anything. right now i have two full stacks of wood, with another stack being worked on. if i were to make most of what is in the DIY book, i'd need a lot of it to craft. so i always need wood, no matter what.

when i was trying to decorate my rock garden after officially getting everything placed where i wanted it to be, i ran out of stone immediately. and with how much stone materials you need to make some of them, it gave me a bit of a complex. now i can't part with certain materials in fear that i'm going to come up empty handed for some projects in the future 🥺
I have got to put my hands up and admit to this as well as I, more often than not, will store materials and then ask my friends if they have the materials so that I am not using my stockpile of materials up.

Something similar happens with tools with me... I will buy tools (Eg. Slingshots for Balloons) and then I will just store them away as soon as I am done and then, what happens when I need them? I just go to the store and buy more tools.
Haha, I don't know if I'm really a hoarder? I don't collect them very often, but whenever I do I store everyting. I never sell them. But I don't actively collect them either!
The other day I wanted to craft some stuff and suddenly I was completely out of wood for the first time since launch 🤯 So I visited some islands to stock up for a bit
I love hoarding materials! I actually like farming them, too. And I’ve made my fortune off selling the Hot Item at Nooks now and then, when there’s a good one. Yesterday I made over 200,000 bells selling Shell Speakers. 😄
Guilty as charged! I keep out of season materials on hand as well if possible, because you never know when you or someone else might need some for crafting something. Better to have it and not need it than vice versa, but that's just me.
Yep, I tend to hoard a ton of materials. And even if I have materials, I tend to go get more materials to make something instead of just grabbing one of my 15 stacks of hardwood, lol.
I hoard materials too and clothes (I love the clothes I confess). I had so many and was running out of room so I limited how many stacks of materials i kept. Even with limiting I think I have 10 stacks of each mat. I created a second character for storage. That helped a lot.
I hoard too many materials but I stopped collecting a while ago and now I'm running low because I'm crafting tools again instead of buying them
I hoard materials too much so that I never actually build anything. Like right now, I'm hoarding large snowflakes and am still hesitant to build anything with them. I think I might actually dip into my stock after Christmas when I take down my trees and stuff.
Oof this is so me. My storage is largely clothes and materials. I have so. many. branches after the fall season when I was shaking trees for acorns & pine cones which I have a small number of. And pumpkins! I should just sell them, really. I also have 9 cherry blossom petals 😅 Just little bits and bobs that I don’t want to sell but won’t use for ages because I don’t have enough of them to actually craft with.
I hoard materials too much so that I never actually build anything. Like right now, I'm hoarding large snowflakes and am still hesitant to build anything with them. I think I might actually dip into my stock after Christmas when I take down my trees and stuff.
Right? I only build things if I need to. I'm a little annoyed I hit 50 items built back in March (setting up starter villager houses and whatnot) and it used up so many of my resources that I stopped building stuff (unless I knew I would use it) and didn't hit 200 items built until yesterday! I've customized a ton of stuff because I can just go buy all the kits I could ever need, but you can't buy most materials😭
I hoard materials, I think because I hate collecting them in the first place. I'd rather have a huge wood/stone/etc. stockpile ready and waiting when I get a whim to redecorate than have to set out grinding. I usually keep a stack or two of seasonal materials too, just because I might want new mush furniture sometime other than November.

But I have an added layer to my hoarding: I'm a packrat of DIY furniture. God forbid I ever have to craft something twice (and I forget what's in storage so I tend to craft something I already own anyway, smh). I mean, seasonal stuff I think is rational, but I'll hang on to like, iron garden stuff.
I hold onto materials until there’s a good Hot Item of the day using a lot of them, then I go to town
I hoard everything, but isn’t that what multiple characters on the island are for? ;)
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I wish I was a material hoarder.. I'm usually desperately roaming around my island for a rock i haven't hit that day to get me more iron for projects :' )