Material hoarders, unite!

Yeah. I still have fall and winter materials in my hoarder collection. Now that I'm collecting summer shells, I just shove them in my storage nonchalantly.

I'm just super lazy to do anything and it's easier to throw them in the bottomless pit.
90% of my storage are materials. 50% of those materials is my weed collection.

No, not that weed.
haha yeah i have way more sticks than i'll ever be able to use
I hoard materials, but mostly iron and clay for crafting iron wall lamps. I buy it from TBT shops though. I'm too lazy to hit rocks nowadays.
i have SO many materials and i never really use enough of them to justify having them. one day i'll craft a ton of things and sell it all away... one day...
I usually am hoarding one stack of each resources in my house, and I also have one in my carrying inventory. When I start having 2 stacks in my inventory, I will craft stuff to sell to get back to only one stack. When Nook's buying certain items at double the price, I will usually. burn through my stacks to make a lot of money (for example when Nook buys silos double the price).
I had a Rediculous amount of materials. I finally sold half to Nooks, and still had a ton left. I probably had at least 80 stacks of tree branches, and continued to keep adding more to my collection. I just sell them now.
I love to hoard materials. You never know when you will need to craft something (like, if I need to make some quick Bells, I can craft some crescent moon chairs). When my storage filled up prior to the expansion, I threw out or sold a bunch of orderable items like clothes and furnishings so that I wouldn't have to dump my materials.
Is anyone else here a huge material hoarder? Not furniture, but materials like wood, stone, iron, gold, star fragments, etc. I hoard as many materials as I can (especially seasonal items) and then don't build anything with them unless I absolutely need the item (I just got the achievementfor crafting 200 DIY furniture yesterday to give youan idea of how bad my hoarding is). Gathering materials is a huge pain and I hate doing it! You can always make items but you can't disassemble items once they are built. I do this is other games too such as Pokémon as well. Where are my fellow AC material hoarders? Is anyone else super frugal about what they use their materials on?
I wouldn't say I'm a materials hoarder but I like to keep a decent amount of every kind of material stored, if possible. The thing I have problems with is the drop rate of regular wood compared to the other two types, as I have some stacks of hardwood and softwood ready for when I need them, but I always see myself needing to gather more regular wood as they appear a lot less frequently. It doesn't help that most items I like to craft/use need regular wood lol.
Yeah, I find that the regular wood is one I have to work to gather the most and tends to be the most need. Maybe it is just the fact I burn through it quicker.
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I don't go out of my way to gather them but I do hoard all I get, particularly wood because I have five characters and plant money trees with all of them daily. Most of my materials are on a secondary character, but my main keeps four stacks of everything just in case.

And the floating seasonal materials. I always catch them and end up with two dozen more stacks than I can use to craft stuff even when I go for all color variants.
Definitely with you on hoarding seasonal materials. A couple of days ago I spent an hour farming just snowflakes so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. I don't hoard wood, iron, stone, or clay as much as I used to because I built up a hefty supply early on when I wasn't focused on terraforming or decorating. Good thinking, past self. (y)
I always hoard materials just in case for future in game tbt events lol. Other than that I like to have an excess of materials because whenever I’m designing something, I have a tendency to do it all at once and I don’t like to have to stop in the middle of a project. I also start things last minute so if I don’t have a lot of the required materials for an event that usually means I would have to rush it and not be as happy with the end result T_T
I run a material shop to help those who don't hoard/have no time to grind for materials. My second island is dedicated solely to traveling to NMT islands just to drain them of all materials.
Yup. Though hoarding some materials is warranted - stones especially, you need soooo many to build even one thing. That said, I have more Softwood, Pumpkins, Tree Branches and Young Bamboo than I know what to do with.
I definitely have a problem with hoarding materials. I hardly ever craft anything but I have 7or 8 stacks of most of the materials and each fruit just taking up space in my storage. I also have almost 400 nmt in my storage as well.