Mayor Sunny's Design Tips! (Post #1: Basic tips for starting to design!)


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Aug 10, 2015
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Heart Dust
July Birthstone (Ruby)
Tasty Cake
Blue Hybrid Rose
Red Rose
White Rose
Blue Hybrid Rose
Blue Hybrid Pansy
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Yellow Pansy
Silver Mailbox
Hello, my name is Sunny, and I've been designing in Animal Crossing since I was a wee little tyke! I've owned Animal Crossing New Leaf since the day it released (and I had it pre-ordered months before that), and I've played every Animal Crossing Game released! ;) Below you'll see a few examples of some of my rooms. I'm somewhat proud of them!
I have a lot of friends, mainly friends from my fantastic server (Cozy Crossing Community), who have asked me. "Sunny, how did you get so good at designing?" Well, I'll not lie. It took a lot of time, practice, and experimentation. And I'm still learning a lot about it, but I think I may be able to help you guys get a bit better if you're struggling.

Now, forgive me if some of this content seems obvious, or very basic. I promise I will get to more complex design stuff in later blogs (assuming that blogging goes well and I remember and stuff).

So let's start with some basic tips and concepts that can help you with having happy homes that you'll love, okay?

Design Tip #1: Catalogue everything. What you cannot Catalogue, HOARD!

For those unsure of what this term means, when you Catalogue something it means that you buy it from the Nooklings or the Able Sisters with the intent to be able to order it from the Catalogue later. In this case, the items I am talking about are walls, flooring, and any furnishing items you may need.

Remember, once you have an item in your inventory, it is either an orderable item from the catalog or unorderable. If the item is orderable, good for you, you can order again later! You can sell it if it doesn't work for your current house, send it to one of your villagers, or do something else with it.

If it's an unorderable item, well, you might need to start the process of hoarding. Don't forget; you can have up to four characters total, each with their storage and eventual secret storage, so you've got the room.

The reason behind this tip? Easy! You never know when inspiration will strike and you'll have a fantastic room idea! It's a lot easier to get the needed items for your new design if you can order them quickly, or have them on hand!

Tip #2: Remember all of the different things you can use to decorate!

Want to know my favorite decoration item? Perfect fruit! I love using perfect fruit in my decorating. Baskets of perfect fruit can make a nice accent, and it's essential that you remember that there are lots of other items that are not furniture that can be decorations. Those handy balloons you got from StreetPass, coffee beans from Brewster, specific food items from holidays like the harvest festival, and even K.K slider albums can be used to help make your house look fineeeee.

Tip #3: Feng Shui can help with points and style!

If you don't know, Feng Shui is luck that you earn by having items of a certain color arranged in your house. A good guide can be found HERE and HERE for more in-depth info.

Now, I don't go all out on my Feng Shui, but I do use a few items in my main room to help accent. Adding Feng Shui related items helps add HHA points, and also affects your luck in the game. ;)

Tip #4: Don't be afraid to use sets and series, but try to mix things up a bit.

You can mix things up by customizing items within the set, adding in items from other sets, or items that seem to go with the theme of the room, or even mixing two sets together! There are lots of ways you can use sets to help fill a room, and yet add your own personal touches and customization.

I hope that these starter tips will help you begin to think about your room designs. Hopefully you'll hear a bit more from me soon on some more ideas and tips to help you be a better designer!


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