Me, Justin, MasterDSX, and Storm


Senior Member
Oct 6, 2005
It lasted like 4 and a half hours! First I went to justin's then came storm, then MDS. We played a bunch of games. Later we went to Storms and then mine..., and then finally back Justins. It is really fun! You should try to make parties.

Our favorite game, at least mine MDS and Storms, was Hide and is sooooo fun! and it is also fun if people put the same shirts and hats on so no one knows who you are.

You should try it!
PKMNMasterSamus said:
It lasted like 4 and a half hours! First I went to justin's then came storm, then MDS. We played a bunch of games. Later we went to Storms and then mine..., and then finally back Justins. It is really fun! You should try to make parties.

Our favorite game, at least mine MDS and Storms, was Hide and is sooooo fun! and it is also fun if people put the same shirts and hats on so no one knows who you are.

You should try it!
lol!!! Sounds fun..... but i dont get ac:ww until X-mas
