Hey! I would like a sun stone and a moon stone please! Except, I've absolutely no idea how much they're worth in TBT bells I'm afraid :c do you have a rough idea? (or anyone else?) also I've not traded in Pokemon before so you'll have to tell me how~ but if that's fine by you, I'd love to buy those two <3
You can buy those two! :3 I'm not sure either but I could sell them for 100TBT
To trade on pokemon:
Add my fc first:3
Then turn on your WiFi on the bottom screen, the symbol is near the top!
After that, you'll see on your friends list people that you've added, my name will be Leila.
Click on my character and select trade!
If you want all you have to do is turn on your WiFi and I'll select the trade:3
Plus, I'll send a random pokemon holding the stone and you'll have to trade a random pokemon as well because I don't think you can just send items, unfortunately
Hmm 100 TBT for both? I'm not sure if that's a lot or not D: I need the two for my Eevees; I'm guessing when you send a random pokemon holding it I will then be able to use them on Eevees? Sorry haha completely new to pokemon trading I'm afraid! (and pokemon in general for that matter) ~