~Melodies~ Role Play OPEN TO ALL

Rose sighed. "We weren't pwayin a game. Lemme show you." She led Boulder through some bushes near the forest. There was a clearing with tons of hybrid flowers. Pink and purple flowers, with some blue roses. "Me an Wind are makin it for our mommy. Don't tell, okay?"

"Oh, okay. I will not tell." Boulder replied. He rock-surfed back home.
Rose planted a red rose in the middle of the clearing, then went back home. Melody stood up and opened the door. "I'm going to go shopping in town for a while, I'll be back in a bit!" She went to Re-Tail first, then went to T.I.Y. and then Able Sisters.

(What month should it be?)

An announcement hologram appeared in front of each of the twelve. "Attention. This is Shades. I have just finished building something that you guys will need for future battles. Come to the planet you guys saved. You'll need to see this." The hologram disappeared.
Once everyone was there, Shades took the cover off his project. There was a smaller robot and a bigger robot that each could be controlled by six people: The head, the heart, the right arm, left arm, left leg, and right leg. "This will help each of you guys with future battles. You each can decide who controls which part." Shades said. Then he disappeared.