Memories from March 2020


Freshly-Delivered Coconut
Jun 18, 2017
With New Horizons’ one year anniversary coming up in a few months, I think it’s fun to think about some of the memories and all the things the ACNH did together in the beginning!

Do you remember when there were tons of people lining up to learn the cutting board or ironwood dresser recipe from a villager crafting it?
Or when having an ironwood kitchenette or crescent moon chair was a huge flex?
Or when “the path” was discovered and everyone was redoing their islands

what are some things you remember when ACNH was first released?
I remember making flower crowns and wreaths.
Watering my flowers everyday, and hoping for hybrids.
Fishing and catching bugs. I don't do that much anymore.
Shaking every tree to find wasps and furniture.
I remember the excitement of going to Nooks to see what was for sale.
Excited to get new villagers on my Island and using Nook miles to see whose there.
i remember:
- TTing to june and showing off my summer clothes to my sister
- everyone getting excited about visiting the south-hemi islands
- when i got dom as a starter and didn't realise he was new so i kicked him out 😅
- when the mush lamp was the most wanted diy
- raymond.
- hybrid islands (i miss them so much)
- collecting 30,000 bells a day and showing off how rich i was lol
Also hitting every rock and planting money trees each day? At some point I just stopped doing that, but I wonder how many bells i would make if I did everyday
I remember standing at my window, watching for UPS to drop off my package, and the joy of having it finally arrive. Booting up the game, that sense of a new beginning after such a gap in new main titles... and then playing with all my friends while we couldn't see each other. We all felt so uncertain in those early days (and still do, but the novelty is gone). Oh, and the pure chaos of Bunny Day! I was cackling as everyone got so frustrated. The egg-apocalypse was unfolding, and there I was, relishing in my egg outfits and decorating my house in all the furniture.

There's always going to be that sense of everything being new and discoverable that can't be replicated, though. It's been a good in-game year that gave me a lot of peace and laughter when I needed it most.
I remember getting my game in the mail on March 20th after work and I felt like a kid again. I immediately sat down and played for hours. Turning on the game and seeing Timmy and Tommy in HD goodness gave me shivers. Then, when the flyover of the island showed up I was just about ready to burst into tears. I wish I could relive that moment of pure joy and excitement again, but at the same time, I'm so happy where I am now with the game.
I remember 10AM on March 20th, 2020. The postman shoved the game through our mailbox on our door, and when it hit the floor I shot up from bed and dashed downstairs to see it lying there.

When the game went in my Switch it had to work hard displaying ACNH for the next 10 hours.

I can't believe it's been 10 months since. It felt like just last week when this happened and honestly I want to go back to the excitement.
I remember playing AC on the TV for the first time! It was amazing.

Hybrid islands. The orange roses my husband has are the special orange roses from them.

Everybody stacking up all of their bugs and fish outside of Blather's museum to donate when they open.
- I remember the simplicity of starting a whole new island and wondering what new items and colorways existed.
- How exciting it was time traveling to cherry blossom season before bunny day was released
- The madness of trading, loading times, and waiting in line for turnips
- New flowers and their hybrid versions-- how sought after green mums were
I remember each day looking at the "hot item of the day" at nooks cranny that I could craft for more bells.

I remember Bunny day and trying to collect all of the DIYS and was proud that I did. I remember being so proud when I got the egg party dress and hat lol. I remember gathering all my materials I needed for things early on, so the amount of eggs didn't really bother me during the event like it did a lot of people.

I remember my island being full of a bunch of flowers. I would just plant them everywhere and not care. I remember loving the cherry blossom trees and thought it was possible that they could stay like that on my island forever and was sad to learn they don't.

I remember learning about how to make tarantula's spawn on mystery islands, and saving up all of them and other bugs for Flick for more bells.
I remember staying up until midnight for the game to actually be released (I got the digital download), but when the time came I felt so ill I couldn't even bring myself to play it haha. I had my last day of in-person school that day so I remember coming home early and just booting it straight up on my TV and getting into it!! I ended up actually deleting that island a couple days later because I bought myself a switch lite instead of having to share the family switch, but anyway.
I remember everything being green and empty, and i remember scrambling to find an island name generator because I'd been so hyped up to play I hadn't even thought about what to call my island. I
also bunny day.. that whole ~experience~. I remember having friends over to my island for the first time and hanging out in the one spot of my island I'd actually decorated. I also remember actually doing all the daily tasks - tree shaking, fossil finding, rock hitting etc. I don't really do any of that any more unless I need to.
The last couple weeks of March were extremely hard and depressing. It was nice to have Animal Crossing to look forward to in the evening after work.

I didn't get terraforming until April 1st. So I got to experience all of March without it. Terraforming has really changed the feel of the game, and not so much in a good way. Everything was really relaxing before it. Though to be honest, I feel a lot of relaxation was lost the day the Town Hall opened. Not only was this when the grind for 3-stars started, but the music changed, which caused the atmosphere of the town change. The prologue song can be annoying to hear 24/7, but I think it's a great song, and it's definitely not too loud.

I think the first 3 days were the absolute best.

...and let's not forget about the horrors of Raymond

I'm not sure why, but I was cursed with 3 pigs for my starters.
For me, it'd be every girl being excited about creating eyebrows and I eventually joined the club.

Then it was designing flags and patterns for people.
I remember feeling like a kid again with each new discovery, and working feverishly to get my island to 3 then 5 stars to get KK then Lily of the Valleys.
Coming out of an emotional meeting with the CEO of the company I used to work for, where even he teared up when he told me he had to cut my job, and seeing that 'Your package has been delivered' email. 🖤

More in the tone of the thread: having to rely on a pole vault to get around my island and feeling like Kiku from Coin Locker Babies.
I'd preloaded the game digitally so I stayed up until midnight waiting for the game to unlock. I'd already thought about my map and knew what I wanted. I remember flying over my island and seeing cherries and being so happy.

In the early days, I found Beau, Merengue, Fauna, Dobie, Sherb and Skye during my initial island hopping so I was very pleased with my initial ten residents.

Oh, and stumbling upon hybrid island was quite the experience back when hybrid flowers were still a novelty. I dumped my tools and filled my pockets!

And then there was the nightmare of my first tarantula island. It was late, I wasn't in the mood and I was going to leave immediately, but I spotted best boy Sherb in the middle of the island so I grit my teeth and caught as many as I could, then invited Sherb to move in.

I have nothing but wonderful memories of the early days of the game. I played day in, day out, all day, like a kid on summer holiday.
I remember trying to get my hands on the game on release day when things were starting to shut down last year. I had to reserve it online on Best Buy so I can ensure I'll get a copy before they run out. Thankfully, I did because my dad also had to get a few things so we went by car and were able to pick up the game and pay for it. Since I was so cautious with you know, that, I wiped the game cover with sanitation wipes and headed back home. At this point, I tried my best to avoid spoilers. Thankfully, I did throughout my early experience of the game.

A few hours later, I finally booted up the game and went through the beginner stuff as everyone here did. My first two villagers were Sterling and Diva. I immediately liked Sterling because he was an eagle. Diva, however, I had mixed reactions. Fortunately, I grew to appreciate her as time went on. Oh, they're still living on my island to this day in case you're wondering. Anyway, I remember having to gather branches and oranges on my deserted island and choosing which spot to set up my tent as well as my starter villagers. After doing all those tasks, I named my island. It was Aurelia and I actually had this in my mind for quite some time. Thank goodness it came in handy without thinking too much lol. On a side note, I like how the game handles naming your island where you come up with a name and the animals approve your suggestion to add a little bit of immersion.

With all of that out of the way, I finally got to do some crafting of flimsy tools. I think it was catching bugs but not fish because I didn't have access to all the flimsy tools yet. It took a couple of days, but I didn't mind at all. My sister also started her profile on my island and we did some couch co-op. One of the moments I remember was that I used myself as bait for the tarantula while my sister caught it.

For the island itself, it was still deserted (obviously) and I couldn't access 2/3 of my island due to a lack of bridges and that I didn't have the vaulting pole yet. I liked being limited to wandering around on a third of the island because it made me excited about what I'll uncover when I finally have the ability to explore further. In fact, it made me think that a part of my island was dangerous and that a random tarantula will come out to bite me. Eventually, I was able to craft a bridge and me and my villagers held a small ceremony, unlocking access to more parts of my island.

After that, Tom Nook allowed me to place down three plots of land for random villagers. I invited Patty and Carrie to live on the island while my sister invited Stitches. I eventually got to choose a spot where to put the museum. Speaking of which, me and my sister caught lots of different fish and bugs during the first few days of playing. I thought of putting them all outside lined up in rows so we could donate them at a later date. I thought I was pretty genius to do that only to find out many people were doing the same later down the line lol. I almost forgot to mention we were stuck with the same music playing 24/7 with minor differences after each progression (to be honest, I miss the early game music for it's relaxing tune).

If I recall correctly after donating a handful of fish and bugs to Blathers, I managed to get the town hall building built after a couple of days. Booting up on the day the town hall was finished, I was greeted to the hourly music of 10 AM and I immediately liked it from the start. I felt that my island was starting to feel more alive even though some parts were still deserted. As a few days went by, I was able to build the Able Sisters, more bridges, an incline, and a campsite. Speaking of which, my first visitor was Raymond. At the time, I didn't know he was extremely popular so I took him in because I just liked him. Though I've heard you're forced to make your first campsite visitor live on your island, but that doesn't change the fact I still wanted him. Blame the RNG, not me.

Fast forward a few more days, Rocco, Bea, and Gruff moved to my island. I've improved my island just a bit to get a three-star rating and K.K. finally came! And so with that, all the residents including myself gathered together to watch him play Welcome Horizons and the credits rolled. In general, I still had a fun time playing the game even though some people had issues with the game's flaws.

And that's pretty much my experience with New Horizons in March 2020! There's probably more stuff I didn't mention, but I'll leave it at that. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk and have a nice day. :)
I wasn't actually active on here during the early days, so my early memories of the game are purely about my thoughts, and not the community. I'd occasionally read articles about the general community, but that's it.

Honestly, though, my biggest memory of it's release? The talk, at the time, that the school I work at might be closing for a little while. And thinking, "Well, I certainly wouldn't MIND if it was closed for a bit after the release..." not realizing that... it'd be closed for the rest of the year. Or that it'd STILL be closed, and I'd be working from home. Frankly, no matter what, my first memories of this game will ALWAYS be tied to the pandemic. But I don't mind because, honestly, this game got me through it. Especially that early period, where everything was so scary and uncertain, working on my island was the distraction I needed to cope.

On a happier note... I remember the simple joy of getting the ladder and vaulting pole and finally getting to explore more of my island! It felt so exciting to finally see the full map. I also remember how exciting it was to earn the ability to terraform- and how I had put it off while doing some initial decorating, then thinking, "Well, I should try working on getting those three stars now." and going to talk to Isabelle to find... I already had three stars without really trying 😂 (so I'm always confused when people say it's hard to earn that, lol)

And I also remember squealing when I saw the names on the first plots I built- Merry! Erik! ...and someone named Megan! I was super excited about Merry, excited about Erik, and thought "who the what is Megan". I actually didn't realize she was new until after I moved her out, lol. I had assumed she had been from the original game, hadn't been in a game since, and then was re-released, like Ursala.