Trading Merengue ADOPTED

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In case it comes up, I'm going to be asleep for the next three to four hours! I should be up by the time the winner might be announced, but if not and it's me that won, you'll know where I am/when to expect me back! Just thought I'd give a bit of a heads up, lmao.

Hi! I'm sorry for the late reply. Something came up, and I just got home now. Since no other dreamies were offered, I'll accept your offer with the 3.5 mil flea has added on :) How many villagers do you have?

- - - Post Merge - - -

My offer now is 12 M.

Although your offer is really tempting (I really need the bells lol), since someone offered me a dreamie, I'm going to take up that offer. Sorry! :(
Really?! Awesome, thanks so much! I am pretty sure Flea is only going to be back later tonight, though. And unfortunately, I have ten villagers currently, sigh. Would you mind holding Merengue for a bit? It's because I'm currently in the process of trying to trade Queenie to someone, and then you could trade me Merengue/I could trade you Colton?

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Okay, change of plans. That other person is probably still asleep, and so I don't know when they'll be available. So I've convinced Queenie to stay, and I'll just TT her into leaving again later. So I can trade you Colton now, if you want?
Really?! Awesome, thanks so much! I am pretty sure Flea is only going to be back later tonight, though. And unfortunately, I have ten villagers currently, sigh. Would you mind holding Merengue for a bit? It's because I'm currently in the process of trying to trade Queenie to someone, and then you could trade me Merengue/I could trade you Colton?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay, change of plans. That other person is probably still asleep, and so I don't know when they'll be available. So I've convinced Queenie to stay, and I'll just TT her into leaving again later. So I can trade you Colton now, if you want?

I have 10 villagers right now though D: I don't mind holding Merengue for a little while longer.
Well, let me see if I can't get another one of my villagers out for you. I don't want to make you wait too long.
OKAY WOW I'm really sorry about this but would you mind holding for another few hours? I have to go out actually, but I should be back in a few hours.
OKAY WOW I'm really sorry about this but would you mind holding for another few hours? I have to go out actually, but I should be back in a few hours.

I'm actually going to sleep soon, but I'll hold her for you until tomorrow (my timzeone) :) No worries. Please pm me when you're back and we can trade.
Alright, that works perfectly for me! I will definitely be ready by then, lmao.
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