Giveaway ~Merengue the cake Rhino Raffle~ [CLOSED]

Yeah, I'm mad at myself for not having the room...but I know she'll go off to a good home! :)
I hope I'll find her again eventually...!
No space... X.x

And the new winner is.....................................................


#1. SuperiorTech! Come and get her fast, my internet is being trippy! ;)
I thought runner ups would get her? :( I do have the room.
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THANK YOU! I'll treat her like my second wife! (I hope my wife doesn't read this)
I'm really sorry for wasting your time, MyLifeIsCake...I'm not blaming anyone else than myself here. I should've know I didn't have the room! D:< Man, I really blew that once-in-a-lifetime chance... >.< But congratulations to the new winner! Merengue is in good hands. :) Hopefully I can get other dreamies in other contests! c: