Giveaway Merenque is leaving on the 3th of januari 2019


Senior Member
Dec 17, 2018
Yellow Rose
Red Rose
White Rose
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
Tasty Cake
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Jingle Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Holiday Candy Cane 2018
100% (45) +
Merenque is a normal rhino villager who first appeared in New Leaf. Her name is Spanish for meringue, a type of dessert made with egg whites and sugar. Her phrase references what she looks like, a strawberry shortcake.

I have had her a long time as villager, but now it is time to move on. ;)
If it won't bother you I'll take her on the third, as I'm currently waiting for one of my villagers to move out (I'll obviously TT if I won't make it on time). ^-^
Hi! I'll be able to take Merengue even on the 1st or 2nd. Please let me know what your time zone is so that we'll be able to choose an optimal time for the both of us!
Hi! I'll be able to take Merengue even on the 1st or 2nd. Please let me know what your time zone is so that we'll be able to choose an optimal time for the both of us!


My local time is GTM+1. For me it doesn't matter on what day you take her. But she will be have packed her boxes on the 3th. ;) She is really kind, but I have her for a really long time. So it's time for a new villager.

My local time is GTM+1. For me it doesn't matter on what day you take her. But she will be have packed her boxes on the 3th. ;) She is really kind, but I have her for a really long time. So it's time for a new villager.

Perfect, the same time zone as me! I'll let you know when I'll be available during those days.
Oh dear, i didn't read the message! Are you still available?
Oh gosh, I thought she was leaving on the third. Did you time travel?