Message to all Time Travelers

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Senior Member
Jun 9, 2019
Don't get me wrong, time travelling can be great for many reasons, such as getting villagers to move out or in, developing your town at a fast speed and earning money and NMTs. However I just wanted to talk to everyone today about why I think you should reconsider playing the game on normal time and stop time travelling. Let me explain why I think you should stop, or limit your time travelling.
Moe was there to greet me at the train station in New Leaf. He came to all my birthday parties and sent me the most thoughtful letters (including a valentines day one with a rose attached). Moe would ping almost everyday and run up to me with gifts or information. He often told me about how great of a friend I was and how he thought of me as his best. Moe and I lived in the same town together for four real time years. This was until I was encouraged into time travelling. It will be fun, they said. And sure it was, I got so many things done, got to events quicker and much more. All was going well until I skipped 1 week forward to get to a fishing tourney, and then another day forward to find that Moe my favourite villager, had left. I purposely didn't save which brought me back to the fishing tourney day only to find he was still gone.
I cried for a long time and just forever wished he was there. I restarted my town because the town didn't feel the same without him. I later restarted over and over again to try to have him in my town, but he wouldn't show up. After about 3 months since he had left, I told myself to settle down with a town and just move on, which I did. I then vowed to never time travel again.
Now this all sounds a bit stupid as obsessing over villagers is not really something you need to do as they are just game characters. But I had just become so fond of him, it was as if we were truly friends in reality. In conclusion I really think you should reconsider time travelling and just take time to spend real moments with your villagers rather than skip and skip and skip the days. You never know, you might end up losing something you love
Villagers always ask before moving out in AC:NH iirc. I'm sorry for your bad experience, but I think it's better to let people play the game however they want. They spent $60 on the game and people have their reasons for time traveling or not time traveling.
Villagers no longer randomly move out in this game. You have to confirm with them first.
I’m sorry you had a bad experience with NL but this is a completely different game, I like time traveling.
I mean people who tt are still gonna tt regardless of how you feel

I'm personallly not bothering, since I feel rushing everything in new leaf ruined it in the long run somewhat for me. but all the more power to those who can tt and keep the game fun over an extended period of time
Just because you had a bad experience with time travelling doesn't mean everyone else will have a bad experience, too. People are free to play the game in the way they find most enjoyable, and it's not your business to decide for them.
like others have said, it works differently in new horizons and people are free to do as they please. that being said, i tried time travelling and got bored real quick so i’m back to playing day by day lmao
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's sucks what happened and sorry that you lost Moe back then, but let's be honest here. Just because someone had a bad experience with TT doesn't mean that suddenly anymore else getting bad experiences too and gonna stop/changing their gaming behavior. People spend lots of money into the game, they gonna play it their own way, whatever others think it's a good way or not. And besides, like others already mentioned, in NH, villagers not moving out randomly anymore, you have to talk to them first and their need your permission to move out, whatever you TT or not, so yeah...
How sweet that you have such fond memories of him!
I understand where you are coming from and i know other people who, like you, lost their villagers due to time travelling, which made them wary of it. I think people who like to tt often know the needed precautions to prevent things like that from happening. Like i TTed a lot in NL but didnt lose anyone because i did things like skip only one or few days at a time and talk to all my villagers, i also was able to have cherished memories of them despite TTing, but NH has different mechanics anyway and villagers wont move away all of a sudden.

I hope you reunite with Moe soon in NH if you havent already.
In reality, we wait for things.
I didn't buy AC so I could wait for more things.

It's an escape, at my own pace, whatever that may be.

I time travel for many reasons and I don't need to explain it, or justify it.

It's my choice.

It's not affecting anyone elses enjoyment of the game, yet not being able to time travel would hinder mine.

You won't talk us TT'ers OUT of doing it. :)

No offense meant, but it's a personal choice, and sometimes it's a necessity.
People are free to play their game in the way that they see fit, and despite your good intentions sharing this story will not make a single time traveller want to change their play style.

I am going to close this here before someone takes offence at being told how to play their own game. Play the game in the way you want to and don't worry about how other people play theirs.
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