Meteos is awsome

:lol: Well you might not like it if you don't liek puzzel games (or maybe you will...). Becasue you basically match three blocks to ignite them as rockets. if you ignite anohter three the rockts will e mroe powerful. It's kinda hard ot explain... You can fuse (buy) things liek planets will your launched meteos.

Since it was created by the smae guy that did SSB, some of the options feel like SSB.

The only real problem is theres not a real story mode. It might have been better if there was a pretty long sotry mode instead of playing shorter ones at different levels. This is just like SSB actually, but SSB does it better.
I got it a while ago, and it's my favorite DS game so far.
Yah, I'm liking it too, I'd probly say it's tied with KCC(Or possilbly ahead

;) )But, I think THAW and ACDS are going to be much better. Yes, it's true. Many of the option screens feel like SSB's option screens (Like the item switch.)
:lol: Well you might not like it if you don't liek puzzel games (or maybe you will...). Becasue you basically match three blocks to ignite them as rockets. if you ignite anohter three the rockts will e mroe powerful. It's kinda hard ot explain... You can fuse (buy) things liek planets will your launched meteos.

Since it was created by the smae guy that did SSB, some of the options feel like SSB.

The only real problem is theres not a real story mode. It might have been better if there was a pretty long sotry mode instead of playing shorter ones at different levels. This is just like SSB actually, but SSB does it better. its tetris with a spin?
Also, Meteos is in a way like SSBM.
It has the same:

You've done this! Beat this to get this! type thing.
The music is similar, but not identical.