yaaaaaaaaaaassssss its cute <3 thank you!
Ahh I'm glad you think so!! >//w/< No problem at all! Also, thank you so much for the donation! c: Oh! And I kind of fixed the text here for you. Just got back and kind of noticed the "S" was kind of not easy to spot since it was blending in with the white so I fixed it here for you c:

Sorry I guess you did not wanna do mine sorry!
Oh no no no! I never said I wasn't going to do it xD It's just someone is ahead of you, so I'm working on theirs first then yours. I'm doing things in order unless their pictures aren't HQ or I have a question about what they want before I start. c: Also what you want me to make is a banner o: You won't be able to use it for your sig since it exceeds the size limit on the forum rules. Do you still want me to make it for you? o: Or were you planning on using it for one of your forum threads? c: ( I'll start on yours once I get a reply back from you! c: )
Great looking signatures. I wish you luck with your shop.
Thank you so much! Your signatures are really amazing as well! > w<
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