Ahh thank you so much!! ;//v//;
Here you go! Hope you like it!~ c: If there's anything you'll like me to change, feel free to let me know!
Thank you so much! >//v/< I love my new layout/profile too! <: And nope, I didn't include the Nya thing in the rules haha I took that out. c: Also, here you go! Hope you like it! If there's anything you'll like me to change, feel free to let me know! >//v/<
Thank you so much! I love it!
Avatar/Signature/Banner/Profile: Signature
Stock: Anything that would seem appropriate is fine
Text: "Rei Ryugazaki"
Theme: School-based/simple theme
Border: Yes; one pixel-width black border
Rounded: No
Picture: (x)
Miharu Edits: Off, I'll credit you in my signature
Other: Thanks in advance!
Avatar/Signature/Banner/Profile: Signature
Stock: Anything
Text: Despair is life.
Despair is love.
Theme: Splatter in a bunch of vibrant colors
Border: No thanks
Rounded: No thanks
Picture: http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/227/a/3/dangan_ronpa_png_by_bloomsama-d6ia8p5.png
Miharu Edits: No thanks
Other: Could you make it 500x150?
Thanks Miharu!
Oh, I realized I didn't save it on the page it was originally on; sorry about that! I hope this is fine. Picture: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/005/d/7/free__render___rei_ryugazaki_by_near1001-d70y3v8.png
-Changed the rules and information.
-Added some new things to the format.
Hope you guys like them!! >//v/< If there's anything you'll like me to change, feel free to let me know~ c:
Avatar/Signature/Banner/Profile: Signature.
Stock: You choose, please~
Text: What is wrong with wanting to be alive?
Border: Yes.
Rounded: No.
Picture: Here
Size: 500x150
Miharu Edits: Yes.
Other: Thank you! Hopefully the render works > w<
Starting on yours soon! And the render is perfect, thanks! >//v/<
Awesome, can't wait! c:
Hello, I'm back again! ^_^
Avatar/Signature: Signature
Stock: I'm so sorry, can you choose again? (//~\\)
Text: "I'll always have your back, Twelve."
Border: Sure.
Rounded: No thanks.
Picture: [x]
Size: 400x150
Miharu Edits: Sure!
Other: Nope! Thanks!
Here you go! >//v/< Thanks for waiting! c: Hope you like it!~ If there's anything you'll like me to change feel free to let me know.
Looks amazing, thank you so much! <3