Mii heads

The mii heads seem a bit big!!! The new mii s I have been making have more of a short rounded head and I adjusted the eyes to make them look bettter I also make the mouth small and the nose just like a little dot!!! My mii characters are cute says a lot of people!! I think its ok to have them in animal crossing. As long as you can take them off!
City Folk made me actually CARE about Mii's again, so yes, I like the Mii-head feature.
I'm not wearing my Mii mask all the time, but I am sometimes. My Mii is a hotdog.
Theyy are good if you have some awesome Miis.
Mongo Oma,Big Mama,Darth Vader,Pikachu,Samus,Dark Link...
I don't know. I wore mine for awhile, then the inability to do anything with the masks started to annoy me. Also, I wear glasses (so does my mii), but on the mask they look really flat on your face. And, of course, they look too big.

But then again, changing to some of the other Mii faces out there is kinda cool. Like the panda face, or the penguin, or the terminator skull. Those make for a pretty cool change from the ordinary helmets, masks, and hats of the game.
RockmanEXE said:
This topic was made last year in December ...

Let it go ... Seriously.
So just because a topic is old it should be ignored? THE RANDOMNESS THREAD over at brawlsnapshots.com was made 1st September 2008.. people are still replying to it and I will too.
They're good for fancy dress costumes if you're good at themed Miis... Otherwise they're not great...
Yeah, but this wasn't continuously replied to, unlike this one which was dug up from god knows when.