Mii voting complaint

solsticeviolet said:
I have the same problem with Check Mii Out. I only got my Wii in March of this year, and the first few contests were cool. After that, I quickly realized that people basically submit any old thing, and the thing that wins and ends up on the "top level" of each contest is 50 people making Miis in one style or another that look nearly exactly alike. There's nothing historically accurate about it. The Thomas Jefferson/Mozart contests really annoyed me. My Tom is tall with red hair, dangit! :throwingrottenapples:
Yeah, I don't find the appeal I used to have for the channel like I used to. Man my Mario was pretty good it never made it in at all :(
The media really doesn't help, beside our education system. In every historical kid show I've seen, all of them are portrayed without reference to their actual appearances.

I wish they would stray a bit from figures so generalized that no creative license can be taken in its creation. Nintendo fan character contest or something? Not the most original idea, I know, but it's a start.