bump, opening up again.
catalog services are online ~ but I still have to go through and grab all the items in my catalog. Feel free to drop your wishlist and I can let you know what items I have.
I now have fees for ordering. Until the queue gets long (aka more than 3-4 people wanting items ordered), then I will count everyone on the 7+ day waiting price fee (+10%). The fee for the # of items ordered will still apply.
This pricing structure may seem unfair (paying MORE to get items in bulk?!?!) but it actually allows me to get the lowest price for everyone to the best of my ability. For example, it prevents me from charging more than triple the worth of an item. Especially for cheaper items, this means you pay less. For a Raymond poster, for example, most people would charge 99k. For me to get you the fastest delivery AND even with more items in the order, I would charge 3k
at most for the poster.
For large items, of course (ie. grand pianos, TVs) you may end up paying more here than in other places, especially if you're doing a super large order. To accommodate this, I can
split your order into multiple deliveries so that you don't pay the highest fee, but only if you're ordering a high number of valuable items. We can discuss and haggle if you wish.
If you're still unconvinced that I'm cheaper, think about it like this: Cataloging services for the full soft serve lamp set often run you 2 NMTs (this is based on pricing I see on discord). You don't even get the keep the items! If we value 1 NMT at 100k (the most common conversion rate on this site), that's 200k just to catalog the set!
My rate for the same set (with the items you get to keep!): 24k (base catalog price) + 8x lamps (+25%) + 1hr delivery (+100%) = 54k IGB! And you get to keep the items! That's even 2 NMTs at my garbage conversion rate for the full set.