hello again, can i buy the love ball? B>
hey! what are the stats on the hatterene!
aw damn! i was looking for a competitive one for my team!I'm afraid their stats aren't the best,
It goes in this order...
HP - Decent
Attack - Very good
Defense - Decent
Sp. Atk - Very good
Sp. Def - Decent
Speed - Decent
Hope you're still interested in her!
i’m available now if you are ! otherwise might have to put it off til tomorrow, i should be going to bed soon
aw damn! i was looking for a competitive one for my team!
thanks anyway < :
also would you able to help out with my pokedex completion; i need about 150 left and i'm willing to pay!
i just want my shiny charm already ; -;
thank you!! I needed Litwick for my dex too, lol
Username: Kurashiki
Pok?mon Desired: gmax butterfree
Items Desired: n/a
Friend Code: link code!
IGN: Amina
Total TBT: 25