I like Shauna's design, but yeah, they needed to make her a little more different than Bianca. XY had too many rivals. Part of me thinks they focused too much on mega evolution and kinda rushed everything else. It was so anti-climatic compared to BW/BW2. lmao, if we said this on a Pokemon forum about XY, we'd be dead. XD And same, I was disappointed Tierno never implemented Swords Dance into his team. Such a missed opportunity. XD
I agree about N. His upbringing was really messed up. To be fair, how would anyone turn out normal with Ghetsis? XD The manga's great! It gives a different interpretation on N. It's pretty interesting because the game, anime, and manga switch N up personality wise. I'd say in the levels of being messed up, the manga takes the cake. The game's about the middle with both sides being shown and the anime shows N as more self aware and seems more normal (if that makes sense). I will warn you if you do read the manga, N gets really creepy but the story is really good. And Ghetsis is even more messed up, welp. It's interesting once you compare all the versions. =v=
Thank you and yay! The more Pokemon towns out there, the better tbh!

And same, it's always fun to look at Pokemon towns!