Mind if I sit here?

Thanks! Awesome! BW is my favorite. It gets so much hate. So unloved by most of the fandom. ;_;

Thanks for the welcome! <3

It really does, like seriously. Nobody gives it a chance because of the pokemon ;-;...like please have you met N he was the definition of character development and gave me all the feels not to mention how cute and clumsy bianca is personally she's the only friend/travel companion in pokemon that I can actually stand - her and cheren. I absolutely despise shauna in X&Y
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It really does, like seriously. Nobody gives it a chance because of the pokemon ;-;...like please have you met N he was the definition of character development and gave me all the feels not to mention how cute bianca is personally she's the only friend/travel companion in pokemon that I can actually stand - her and cheren. I absolutely despise shauna in X&Y

For real, the Pokemon are the best imo! I love all the designs and had the toughest time picking a team. XD The plot was so good and N was great as an antagonist! And Cheren and Bianca are such cuties. I felt so bad beating them! ;^; (I didn't mind Shauna but XY had too many rivals to juggle. Calem was so... bland in comparison and we hardly got to know Tierno and coconut head Trevor. XD)

Unova was the best region. <3 Have you read the manga? It's really good and puts a different twist on everyone! :eek:
For real, the Pokemon are the best imo! I love all the designs and had the toughest time picking a team. XD The plot was so good and N was great as an antagonist! And Cheren and Bianca are such cuties. I felt so bad beating them! ;^; (I didn't mind Shauna but XY had too many rivals to juggle. Calem was so... bland in comparison and we hardly got to know Tierno and coconut head Trevor. XD)

Unova was the best region. <3 Have you read the manga? It's really good and puts a different twist on everyone! :eek:

Shauna just annoys me for whatever reason, she seems like such a tryhard to me. Like a rip-off of Bianca. On the other hand, I don't mind Calem he was an okay rival but I did like coconut head oops i mean trevor - i liked him the most out of all of them maybe thats because he didnt say much cx yeah I found it silly how all Tierno talked about was dancing, I think it would've been more interesting if he talked about something else and used swords dance...a little less like dude i know it's your passion but please try a little harder N was a perfect example on how people aren't always what they seem, N wasn't a bad person really, he just was convinced he was because of his upbringing and he turned out to be a hero at heart. It is the best region! and I haven't read the manga unfortunately! :c I also don't like that with X&Y they tried so hard to make something similar to B&W with AZ, it just wasn't working for me it kinda seemed over-dramatic to me.
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Welcome! I'm doing a Pokemon theme town too :) Good luck with yours! I'd love to see it once you have the dream address set up!
Shauna just annoys me for whatever reason, she seems like such a tryhard to me. Like a rip-off of Bianca. On the other hand, I don't mind Calem he was an okay rival but I did like coconut head oops i mean trevor - i liked him the most out of all of them maybe thats because he didnt say much cx yeah I found it silly how all Tierno talked about was dancing, I think it would've been more interesting if he talked about something else and used swords dance...a little less like dude i know it's your passion but please try a little harder N was a perfect example on how people aren't always what they seem, N wasn't a bad person really, he just was convinced he was because of his upbringing and he turned out to be a hero at heart. It is the best region! and I haven't read the manga unfortunately! :c I also don't like that with X&Y they tried so hard to make something similar to B&W with AZ, it just wasn't working for me it kinda seemed over-dramatic to me.

I like Shauna's design, but yeah, they needed to make her a little more different than Bianca. XY had too many rivals. Part of me thinks they focused too much on mega evolution and kinda rushed everything else. It was so anti-climatic compared to BW/BW2. lmao, if we said this on a Pokemon forum about XY, we'd be dead. XD And same, I was disappointed Tierno never implemented Swords Dance into his team. Such a missed opportunity. XD

I agree about N. His upbringing was really messed up. To be fair, how would anyone turn out normal with Ghetsis? XD The manga's great! It gives a different interpretation on N. It's pretty interesting because the game, anime, and manga switch N up personality wise. I'd say in the levels of being messed up, the manga takes the cake. The game's about the middle with both sides being shown and the anime shows N as more self aware and seems more normal (if that makes sense). I will warn you if you do read the manga, N gets really creepy but the story is really good. And Ghetsis is even more messed up, welp. It's interesting once you compare all the versions. =v=

Welcome! I'm doing a Pokemon theme town too :) Good luck with yours! I'd love to see it once you have the dream address set up!

Thank you and yay! The more Pokemon towns out there, the better tbh! :D And same, it's always fun to look at Pokemon towns!
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I like Shauna's design, but yeah, they needed to make her a little more different than Bianca. XY had too many rivals. Part of me thinks they focused too much on mega evolution and kinda rushed everything else. It was so anti-climatic compared to BW/BW2. lmao, if we said this on a Pokemon forum about XY, we'd be dead. XD And same, I was disappointed Tierno never implemented Swords Dance into his team. Such a missed opportunity. XD

I agree about N. His upbringing was really messed up. To be fair, how would anyone turn out normal with Ghetsis? XD The manga's great! It gives a different interpretation on N. It's pretty interesting because the game, anime, and manga switch N up personality wise. I'd say in the levels of being messed up, the manga takes the cake. The game's about the middle with both sides being shown and the anime shows N as more self aware and seems more normal (if that makes sense). I will warn you if you do read the manga, N gets really creepy but the story is really good. And Ghetsis is even more messed up, welp. It's interesting once you compare all the versions. =v=

Thank you and yay! The more Pokemon towns out there, the better tbh! :D And same, it's always fun to look at Pokemon towns!

Like, I understand that he was upset about his flabebe, a fairly common pokemon that can be caught almost anywhere and that he had an attachment to it but there was no need for a dramatic cut scene AND backstory about you and your flabebe. I would've been fine if AZ intercepted team flares plans or something, in honour of his flabebe. Speaking of team flare, team plasma had way MORE depth than them, they were just fashion obsessed, no wonder their pokemon were so weak..they were too busy worrying about the latest trends >.< We're probably like the biggest pokemon X&Y haters on this forum lmao! we'd probably be killed with their mega evolution lucarios cx (not that there's anything wrong with mega evolution lucario, he's a beauty) Yeah I agree, it was sick of Ghetsis to treat N the way he did. But what about Lysandre?!?!? he was such a sore loser, it was laughable like omg. I'm going to try and read the mangas, that sounds WAY too interesting to miss out on.
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Like, I understand that he was upset about his flabebe, a fairly common pokemon that can be caught almost anywhere and that he had an attachment to it but there was no need for a dramatic cut scene AND backstory about you and your flabebe. I would've been fine if AZ intercepted team flares plans or something, in honour of his flabebe. Speaking of team flare, team plasma had way MORE depth than them, they were just fashion obsessed, no wonder their pokemon were so weak..they were too busy worrying about the latest trends >.< We're probably like the biggest pokemon X&Y haters on this forum lmao! we'd probably be killed with their mega evolution lucarios cx (not that there's anything wrong with mega evolution lucario, he's a beauty) Yeah I agree, it was sick of Ghetsis to treat N the way he did. But what about Lysandre?!?!? he was such a sore loser, it was laughable like omg.

Right? It was so out there to go crazy because of Flabebe! Him joining Team Flare because of him missing it would have made way more sense. And you're right, Team Flare was really a step down from Team Plasma. They made all the other teams look good. XD I don't hate XY, I just thought it was super weak and disappointing compared to BW. I don't why everyone else seems to hype it up so much and hate on BW for dumb reasons. Ah well, haters gonna hate. XD
Right? It was so out there to go crazy because of Flabebe! Him joining Team Flare because of him missing it would have made way more sense. And you're right, Team Flare was really a step down from Team Plasma. They made all the other teams look good. XD I don't hate XY, I just thought it was super weak and disappointing compared to BW. I don't why everyone else seems to hype it up so much and hate on BW for dumb reasons. Ah well, haters gonna hate. XD

Hahaha, I don't hate X&Y i think it was super weak and disappointing also. Actually now that you mention it, it would've been awesome if AZ joined Team Flare to avenge his flabebe. - Not awesome for me, but y'know. They made team rocket look like Gary Oak. Annoying, but still has better pokemon than team flare. Neither do I, I also don't understand why in the remakes of ruby and sapphire, Brendan and May's (like I know they're ten and all but honestly Hilda and Hilbert definitely did not look 10 in B&W cx) redesign puts me off way too much I really don't like the height they have them at, like it makes them look 7. (Even though it was much smaller in earlier games - it just bothers me way too much than it should) X&Y i enjoy for the customization, the storyline not so much. (that and I have a beastly sylveon xD)
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Hahaha, I don't hate X&Y i think it was super weak and disappointing also. Actually now that you mention it, it would've been awesome if AZ joined Team Flare to avenge his flabebe. - Not awesome for me, but y'know. They made team rocket look like Gary Oak. Annoying, but still has better pokemon than team flare. Neither do I, I also don't understand why in the remakes of ruby and sapphire, Brendan and May's (like I know they're ten and all but honestly Hilda and Hilbert definitely did not look 10 in B&W cx) redesign puts me off way too much I really don't like the height they have them at, like it makes them look 7. (Even though it was much smaller in earlier games - it just bothers me way too much than it should) X&Y i enjoy for the customization, the storyline not so much. (that and I have a beastly sylveon xD)

Hilda and Hilbert aren't 10, though. They're officially 14 in BW and 16 in BW2. :'D I don't mind May and Brendan's redesigns that much. They looked really young compared to BW and XY, though. But then again, May and Brendan were designed to be 10 while the evil teams were much taller. XD

XY had awesome customization and Wonder Trade is a godsend. Too bad it didn't carry over to ORAS. D: I wish XY had more Pokemon. 69 or 70 new ones weren't enough. D: I'm hoping Gen 7 brings out more new ones. ;v;
Hilda and Hilbert aren't 10, though. They're officially 14 in BW and 16 in BW2. :'D I don't mind May and Brendan's redesigns that much. They looked really young compared to BW and XY, though. But then again, May and Brendan were designed to be 10 while the evil teams were much taller. XD

XY had awesome customization and Wonder Trade is a godsend. Too bad it didn't carry over to ORAS. D: I wish XY had more Pokemon. 69 or 70 new ones weren't enough. D: I'm hoping Gen 7 brings out more new ones. ;v;

I really wanted a new pokemon game this year ;-; and wonder trade is a godsend..too bad for the people who send good pokemon over it though.. cx and I'm excited to see how gen 7 is possibly going to turn out!
I really wanted a new pokemon game this year ;-; and wonder trade is a godsend..too bad for the people who send good pokemon over it though.. cx and I'm excited to see how gen 7 is possibly going to turn out!

Sameeee, we can only hope for next year. ;v;
*straightens out party dress* "Hello! I am Gamer Tot, but please call me Niji! My friends think of me as a Party Animal, I am a Pok?mon Trainer and a much more. I want to introduce you to my Pok?mon Team, which, yes, is finalized from each party I've ever had. So, there's Chu Tot, my Pichu, Sylver, my Sylveon, then there's my Dragonite, Eve, my Eevee, my Mew, and Arceus.
I do have Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion, but they don't battle, they just travel with me. I clip their pokeballs to my necklace. I am a funny person and I am very friendly so pop by and say hi anytime. You are always welcome! Welp, that's it from me. Enjoy yourself and a very warm welcome to the forums."

"You can't sit with us"

jk welcome to the forums

"Whatever, those rules aren't even real." Hahaha, thanks! :p

*straightens out party dress* "Hello! I am Gamer Tot, but please call me Niji! My friends think of me as a Party Animal, I am a Pok?mon Trainer and a much more. I want to introduce you to my Pok?mon Team, which, yes, is finalized from each party I've ever had. So, there's Chu Tot, my Pichu, Sylver, my Sylveon, then there's my Dragonite, Eve, my Eevee, my Mew, and Arceus.
I do have Diancie, Hoopa, and Volcanion, but they don't battle, they just travel with me. I clip their pokeballs to my necklace. I am a funny person and I am very friendly so pop by and say hi anytime. You are always welcome! Welp, that's it from me. Enjoy yourself and a very warm welcome to the forums."


Thanks for the welcome! Nice to meet ya and it's always great to see Pokemon fans on here. :D

Welcome to TBT

Thank you! :3