*censored.3.0* yes. I can't wait for ridable minecarts to be implemented. Also a possibility for underwater sea beasts?Gnome said:*censored.3.0* yeah, although every time I try to make something under water it's impossible. I'll wait until he adds sponges to it. And multiplayer is going to be awesome. Some people are going to make mail and train systems.//RUN.exe said:I love the *censored.2.0* out of it.
Currently constructing an underwater laboratory out of glass and iron, gonna look to include a greenhouse and small wheat field once I clear the gravel out.
Also, *censored.3.0*ing can't wait for boats and rideable pigs. MINECARTS TODAY, TOMORROW, THE UNIMAGINABLE!
A month or so ago, I heard some bros talking about building an entire city in the cliffs. It looked pretty amazing. God damn I wish Notch would implement this sooner.