
Josh. said:
AndyB said:
Josh. said:
Is this game good or?
We wouldn't have posted so much otherwise. Yes it's good.
:p Okay
I just noticed that It's a game, Thanks to my friend.
I guess I'll try it out.
Creative is fun and all, it's just placing blocks rather than the RPG type of game Survival is.
@josh, the thing is that you have to be into the game for it to be fun. there's no point to the game, so you have to make one, yourself.

there's plenty of rarities to mine, and there's a hella nice electric system that you can try to build stuff out of, plus minecarts and the like.. it's just very in-depth, though it has no REAL goal, other than.. to survive.

if you don't mind the low-res graphics (though that can be changed with texture packs and such), it's a fun time to be had, so long as you don't constantly ask yourself "why am i doing this, again?"

edit: like andy said, creative mode can only go so far.
I'm not sure if you saw my earlier post Andy, but when my Holidays start and I get more time, I'd be happy to help out with your new world if you need any more.
I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Edit: Its my two houses that got on fire. D:
Moar Edit : Okay, everything i built is now on fire, including the trees. D:
please don''t use gey like that, it kinda bugs me.

And sorry about everything being on fire, it happens. You should see the youtube vid of the guy trying to show how to build a fireplace ... in a wood cabin. It didn't end well.
YouLittleElly said:
I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Torches don't do that.
Yeah, Notch thought it a good idea to spawn lava pools above ground, next to trees... yeah, good job really.
AndyB said:
YouLittleElly said:
I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Torches don't do that.
Yeah, Notch thought it a good idea to spawn lava pools above ground, next to trees... yeah, good job really.
hey forest fires are a severe risk if you are living by an active volcano!
Sporge27 said:
AndyB said:
YouLittleElly said:
I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Torches don't do that.
Yeah, Notch thought it a good idea to spawn lava pools above ground, next to trees... yeah, good job really.
hey forest fires are a severe risk if you are living by an active volcano!
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Had to do that. And sorry, i won't use that word Sporge. D:
@ The topic,
Might as well stay and not reset. I got my items and and i don't want to go through the whole process. The multiplayer is pretty neat.
<object type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width="250" height="250" data='http://www.youtube.com/v/q8xHQtLDGxI'>
<param name='AllowScriptAccess' value='never' />
<param name='wmode' value='transparent' />
<param name='movie' value='http://www.youtube.com/v/q8xHQtLDGxI' /><param name='play' value='true' />
<param name='loop' value='true' /><param name='quality' value='high' /></object> Sorry for the poor quality and videoing my task bar and such, Hypercam 2 keeps panning D:
My friend on the internet got the game by well lets say "Not buying" and it just annoys me that there are people like me who want to be honest and buy the game and then there are people who go off and pirate it.
I can't see multiplayer working on a pirated version... you sure he is in survival mode? He could just be using the free version of the game which is just building.
Sporge27 said:
I can't see multiplayer working on a pirated version... you sure he is in survival mode? He could just be using the free version of the game which is just building.
No he uses survival mode but multiplayer doesn't work for him.
it is only 10 dollars... why would you pirate it? It is cheaper than a tank of gas.... much cheaper actually
Found a good map finally. IP later blah blah blah. Backing up files etc etc.
