AndyB said:We wouldn't have posted so much otherwise. Yes it's good.Josh. said:Is this game good or?
I just noticed that It's a game, Thanks to my friend.
I guess I'll try it out.
AndyB said:We wouldn't have posted so much otherwise. Yes it's good.Josh. said:Is this game good or?
Creative is fun and all, it's just placing blocks rather than the RPG type of game Survival is.Josh. said:AndyB said:We wouldn't have posted so much otherwise. Yes it's good.Josh. said:Is this game good or?Okay
I just noticed that It's a game, Thanks to my friend.
I guess I'll try it out.
Nope. Still no good maps. I may have to lower my standards... Oakmill just left too greater an impression on my heart.Pear said:IP yet?
Torches don't do that.YouLittleElly said:I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
hey forest fires are a severe risk if you are living by an active volcano!AndyB said:Torches don't do that.YouLittleElly said:I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Yeah, Notch thought it a good idea to spawn lava pools above ground, next to trees... yeah, good job really.
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">Sporge27 said:hey forest fires are a severe risk if you are living by an active volcano!AndyB said:Torches don't do that.YouLittleElly said:I start up my map, and i hear noise. I turn around and the place is burning with fire? Is it because of torches? D;
Yeah, Notch thought it a good idea to spawn lava pools above ground, next to trees... yeah, good job really.
No he uses survival mode but multiplayer doesn't work for him.Sporge27 said:I can't see multiplayer working on a pirated version... you sure he is in survival mode? He could just be using the free version of the game which is just building.
Apparently those who buy it after the beta comes will not only have to pay more, but also pay for updates. Wow.AndyB said:Bump for Beta