
So continuing the conversation we were having before the move. How would PVP work? I mean there are people that might just want to build, but they would have to be in fear of being killed. Unless there's a way to confine PVP to a certain area?

There isn't a way where you can confine it, not unless some kind of mod is added to the server. How we were going to do it before was a fresh map, you have so long to build a fort. Then it's mostly come at me bro/mash left click/one who isn't dead wins.
Can i please see the map of your server AndyB and may i ask any suggestions to it? : D
And, what do you think of the new update? Pretty neat!
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New features:
* Note blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
* 15 wool dyes
* A new water dwelling mob
* New tree types
* Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
* A bunch of new crafting recipes
* One secret useful block
* One secret pretty block
* Cake
* AND MOAR, probably. I forget!

There's a dispenser- powered storage thing that spits out items, tons of dyes, and sugar now.

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I'm going to buy this game very soon so what can you do online? Can you visit other's worlds?
I'm going to buy this game very soon so what can you do online? Can you visit other's worlds?

There may be a tool that'll let you turn a singleplayer world into a SMP world, but I think for the most part, it's just a new world generated by the server.

It opens up a huge amount of application in redstone wiring, as pressure plates can be set off remotely now, and you can make a circuit only operate a certain number of times. And then note blocks can add musical contraptions, and SOOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY
Full list of changes:
  • New addition charcoal
  • Note Blocks (right click to tune, trigger to play)
  • 15 wool dyes
  • A new water dwelling mob (Squid)
  • New tree types (Birch, Pine)
  • Reeds magically turned into sugar canes. They still make paper.
  • A bunch of new crafting recipes
  • One secret useful block (Dispenser)
  • One secret pretty block (Sandstone block)
  • Cake
  • Sugar - Crafted from Sugar Cane
  • Default furnaces given new look
  • Bones added to the drop table, exclusively for skeleton archers.
  • Bones can be crafted into Bonemeal.
  • New gray, light gray, and black sheep. Drop correspondingly colored wool.
  • Tools made out of stone and wood are now twice as durable.
  • New ore type (Lapis Lazuli)
  • Spiders can climb up walls.
  • Mob Spawners now show a rotating model inside of what they spawn
  • Wheat Seeds might be harvested more often when plowing grass blocks.
  • Paintings work in multiplayer
  • Disconnecting while riding no longer keeps the player in the world
  • A bunch more state is properly synched in multiplayer
  • Fixed colors going weird on PowerPC
  • Fixed a horrible chunk reload loop in singleplayer
  • Fixed most lighting bugs in newly generated SMP maps
  • Falling sand behaves better in SMP
  • Fixed a few crash on load level bugs
  • Jack-O-Lantern now has correct tooltip.
  • Sheep now visibly lose their wool when hit.
More information on everything can be found at http://www.minecraftwiki.net
There may be a tool that'll let you turn a singleplayer world into a SMP world, but I think for the most part, it's just a new world generated by the server.

It opens up a huge amount of application in redstone wiring, as pressure plates can be set off remotely now, and you can make a circuit only operate a certain number of times. And then note blocks can add musical contraptions, and SOOSOSOOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY

Oh, ok. I really want that update so I have to get the game.
FFFFFFFFFFF water mobs.
Happy about dyes, paintings. Time to wait for the wiki to be updated with all this.

Elly... wait for a bit, I'll get a screenshot for you.
So it turns out my monster of a jail took up to much space (pretty expected due to the wiring), but it's been saved by Jackal's MCEdit thingamahootsit!

And I came up with a way to design a bank using the dispenser, but it still would need a banker of sorts.
I could possibly implement a PIN code sort of system that would activate different vaults depending on the combo.
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I did some reading up on the wiki and arrows are shot from dispensers like as if from a bow. So i was thinking... TURRETS!
I was thinking that for the bottom part of Aya's shrine. Much like the lava trap, but you have to go the right path, or you get shot by arrows. Very Indiana Jones this dungeon.
No TNT! Anything that needs massive reset is a nono.. But yeah, I know what'll be done for that. Still need to do alot with the castle town.


Like I said above, a bank may be possible.
And next time I do some wiring, I'll try to expand downwards instead of outwards.