Auction Mira. 1 hour and 30 minutes auction.


ultimate slav
Jul 23, 2013
Red Pansy
White Pansy
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
100% (39) +
Why such an odd number?



Anyways, starting bid is...
100k. UwU

Installments have to be 30k and up!
Hey, GOAT, since you're bidding in two Mira auctions, and the other one said they'll most likely take your offer,
would you still retract bid from that one if you win this one ? * u *

Sorry, this is out of pure curiosity, since I don't stand a chance beating you at the other auction !
Hey, GOAT, since you're bidding in two Mira auctions, and the other one said they'll most likely take your offer,
would you still retract bid from that one if you win this one ? * u *

Sorry, this is out of pure curiosity, since I don't stand a chance beating you at the other auction !

Yes, I'll take off my bid for the other auction if I win this one.
I just noticed this auction was ending sooner, so I'd rather have her in tonight.
Yes, I'll take off my bid for the other auction if I win this one.
I just noticed this auction was ending sooner, so I'd rather have her in tonight.

I gotcha ! I'll back off, since I don't want to raise the price unneccesarily for you if I know I'm not going to win anyway ~
Good luck then,
I really hope you win this one ! * U *
I'd so bid right now, but I'm trading one of my villagers for her with someone else. Good luck to everyone. :3
I gotcha ! I'll back off, since I don't want to raise the price unneccesarily for you if I know I'm not going to win anyway ~
Good luck then,
I really hope you win this one ! * U *

aha, it's fine!! if I win this one, I'll pay for the other Mira so you can have her since you wanted her too ouo
aha, it's fine!! if I win this one, I'll pay for the other Mira so you can have her since you wanted her too ouo

Aah no, I don't want to trouble you ! Plus, that's a lot of bells ; A ;
But thank you so much for the kind offer ! I really appreciate it ~ ; U ;
the title was a lie ; A ;

Hopefully there'll be someone else or some tumblr adopt posts !
There's still a chance for you to get her tonight ~ ; u ;
hha. picking her up tomorrow is fine.

I've p mch given up on the acnladopt pages. LOL. if you're 10 seconds late, you missed the characters. I posted one of my characters up once, and got about 5 messages within half a minute. -_-
Aaah omg I know !! ; u ;

I always have that page open on my iPad though, and I refresh it every once in a while XD
I think once I happened to come across a post for Merry that had been published literally a few seconds ago,
buuut of course, I missed her XD

It's probably for the best though, it was a rather impulsive decision, I don't even like Merry that much ; u ;