Selling Mira the Uchi Bunny (in boxes) - Gone


The Morning Star
Sep 11, 2013
Pear (Fruit)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
100% (18) +
She's in my secondary town (Water 7) and already in boxes, I'm mostly looking for DLC items, regional items or the Sloppy set, but see what you can offer! (I would like her out ASAP)
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Is there any specific DLC or regional items you want? I have a bunch of extras ><
Mostly the japanese ones, the Korean ones and then North American ones like the Cool Globe, Wheat Bundle, Sailboat Model (I miss pretty much anything but the pumpkin pie - out of the european ones - so I won't be crazily picky)
and by this I mean both DLC and regional
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I'm not at home, so I'll post when I find out what extras I have if no one else has claimed her, but I know I have a sailboat model and wheat bundle~
These are all neat offers, I'll get back to you in a few hours ~ (just need to sleep, then I'll be able to trade. I'll likely take GOAT's offer but you still can try)
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I'm gonna withdraw my offer. I got her in another auction!! :c
I'm going to bid 5mil though, so if you accept that, could you give her to user @songofskies?
Well, seeing it's very late, I'm going to accept whoever is able to trade from now to the next hour
I can trade now- I have a 24 hour shop model, 24 hour shop uniform (both 7/11 items) and like 2mil?
That's ok, I'll add you now and open Water 7's gate (sorry about the others but apparently I won't be able to connect for a few days so it's no use)
Can you deliver the things and all to Niflheim after we're done with Mira? Since it's my main town and all