People always seem to think I'm a guy when I play TF2. I usually don't point out that I'm not because I feel that would draw too much unwanted attention to myself.
Same here Astro Cake! I think it's just because the target demographic for TF2 is the teenage male. It doesn't bother me, though. And to be honest, I never say that I am female, for fearing I'll just be harassed to no end (some people who play the game aren't very nice, to say the least). i think once I typed in the chat "OMG" to my friend who I was talking to, and somebody said: "What the hell Celestefey are you a girl?" and I said back "Why?"... They said: "Because you said omg". OH RIGHT. Because I forgot saying "omg/oh my god" was totally a saying/phrase exclusive to girls. :') LOL. But my friends were laughing so hard about it. It was so stupid.
People tend to think I am younger than I actually am. Only like one year younger, though! But it's still kind of annoying. Although, yesterday at the cinema, when I was buying my tickets, the lady at the register gave me a student discount. I was soooo happy. So I guess I must look around my age now.
People don't think that I actually like videogames. They tend to be quite amazed that I am so into videogames. It's really only something that happened at my old school, though, and with boys. I don't really know why it is such a shocking thing, though? I mean, 50% of people who play videogames ARE female... It's not really an uncommon thing. But yeah, it's always been a positive reaction though, of course, but it's like they just assume that girls don't play videogames. :\ At my new school (which is an all girls school), people tend to be much more accepting, and there are actually a lot of girls who play games, too.
People assume I am really shy and quiet and a follower of the crowd. I am shy and quiet, but I am most definitely not a follower. I've always been my own person, and always followed my own path. I don't follow leaders. I'm not easily influenced by other people. I make up my own mind on things. As such, I've often been told I'm quite a quirky and eccentric person, but I totally take that as a compliment!
I mean, I've always been so determined in life to achieve any goal I have. I want to be a Japanese teacher, and I won't stop at that goal until I've finally achieved it. So yeah. I guess this isn't so much of a misconception, though, because I always dress in my own sort of clothes/style, too, but I think I surprise people when I tell them about everything I like and want to do. I hope I don't sound like a special snowflake by saying all of this.
I'm not trying to bring people down who are followers of the crowd, there is nothing wrong in that at all. I've just always been made happiest by doing my own thing.
People don't know that I can speak Japanese! ^^"
People think I am innocent and quiet but when I'm having one of my hyper moments with my friends, they end up seeing otherwise. xD All of the crazy stuff I did whilst on school trips... I dunno why, I was always most hyper then for some reason. Maybe it's because I just lived off of sugar during those trips. :')