~Miss Panda's Art Thread~

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lol Thanks. We are our own worst critics, after all. Still, not something I'm particularly proud of. But it was all in good fun.

I'm not currently taking monetary commissions, unfortunately (and I've got people on another site kind of waiting in line or reserving a spot, so I'm not sure how long it would take before I could do it). That and you probably don't know what my commission prices are, so here's the link to them: Commission prices.

I don't draw Ness "traditionally", so to speak. I'll dig up something a little later to show you my take on him.
Yeah, best to have tried it than to not have tried it at all I guess!

I'd need to get a Paypal set up anyways and still wondering why I haven't, so a Cash commission couldn't happen even if I tried D: but I'll be sure to work on it sooner or later.

I can see, your stuff seems a tad...well something that isn't similar to Earthbound's proportions (Or many of Nintendo's proportions) and whatnot but ayyy, I bet the piece you'll dig up will look great!

The funny thing about his PK moves in the Smash Series, though, are that they're actually not his moves in the EarthBound/Mother 2 game: They're Paula's. XD (PK Freeze, PK Fire, and PK Thunder are all her abilities that Ness doesn't have.)
This is what I get for not playing Earthbound but that's mighty interesting actually, Could be cheesy and say that she taught him those or something \o/
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That Yoshi drawing is adorable! I really like the color pallet on that piece.

Aww, thank you! I'm not too pleased with it, myself, since my ability to imitate styles is kind of... lacking. But I'm glad you thought it was cute! Thanks. : )

Yeah, best to have tried it than to not have tried it at all I guess!

I'd need to get a Paypal set up anyways and still wondering why I haven't, so a Cash commission couldn't happen even if I tried D: but I'll be sure to work on it sooner or later.

I can see, your stuff seems a tad...well something that isn't similar to Earthbound's proportions (Or many of Nintendo's proportions) and whatnot but ayyy, I bet the piece you'll dig up will look great!

This is what I get for not playing Earthbound but that's mighty interesting actually, Could be cheesy and say that she taught him those or something \o/

True, true. Trying is worth something, most definitely. I had only wished the result was a little more toward what the concept looked like in my head. lol Such is the artist's curse.

Yeeeah, I can't draw in that small, simple-ish style that the EarthBound art is done in. Oddly enough, the more simple a style gets, the more I tend to struggle with it. And they're modeled after the clay figurines, which is a difficult sort of thing to try to emulate. Using one's own style can be half the fun, but I know you said you don't really care for how my style of certain things turn out, so just a fair warning that things like that tend to look vaaaaastly different in my style. Perhaps not in the most pleasing of ways, either. lol (It HAS been a pretty long while since I've drawn Ness, though.)

You know, since you mentioned that "cheesy" bit, I had to laugh. There IS fanart out there (multiples) of Ness learning the moves from Paula (plus a really amusing one from Brawl of Lucas having kind of "snatched" rope snake from Duster and PK Starstorm from Kumatora). Trust me, fanartists have a blast with that kind of thing. Haha. And some of it is really good, too. There was a recent one from tumblr of Paula teaching Ness the moves... let me see if I can find it. Pretty sure I gave it a like... Ah! Here we go.
True, true. Trying is worth something, most definitely. I had only wished the result was a little more toward what the concept looked like in my head. lol Such is the artist's curse.

Yeeeah, I can't draw in that small, simple-ish style that the EarthBound art is done in. Oddly enough, the more simple a style gets, the more I tend to struggle with it. And they're modeled after the clay figurines, which is a difficult sort of thing to try to emulate. Using one's own style can be half the fun, but I know you said you don't really care for how my style of certain things turn out, so just a fair warning that things like that tend to look vaaaaastly different in my style. Perhaps not in the most pleasing of ways, either. lol (It HAS been a pretty long while since I've drawn Ness, though.)

You know, since you mentioned that "cheesy" bit, I had to laugh. There IS fanart out there (multiples) of Ness learning the moves from Paula (plus a really amusing one from Brawl of Lucas having kind of "snatched" rope snake from Duster and PK Starstorm from Kumatora). Trust me, fanartists have a blast with that kind of thing. Haha. And some of it is really good, too. There was a recent one from tumblr of Paula teaching Ness the moves... let me see if I can find it. Pretty sure I gave it a like... Ah! Here we go.
Yeah I've always wanted to draw stuff and I can imagine it coming out really nice but the end result didn't usually come out as planned so lel ;-;

I've noticed that with a few people, My friend can draw something complex like Greninja but has real trouble drawing Toad from the Mario series, it's weird but I guess you're more used to harder to draw artwork so it's more or less your thing and drawing more simpler things would come across more difficult.

I pretty much saw that coming, hoo boy xD...
But I don't blame them, Fans can always come up with alternate stories to games they like so yeh c:
Also for somereason I see alot of Ness and Ninten drawings of them together on Pixiv, welp
Yeah I've always wanted to draw stuff and I can imagine it coming out really nice but the end result didn't usually come out as planned so lel ;-;

I've noticed that with a few people, My friend can draw something complex like Greninja but has real trouble drawing Toad from the Mario series, it's weird but I guess you're more used to harder to draw artwork so it's more or less your thing and drawing more simpler things would come across more difficult.

I pretty much saw that coming, hoo boy xD...
But I don't blame them, Fans can always come up with alternate stories to games they like so yeh c:
Also for somereason I see alot of Ness and Ninten drawings of them together on Pixiv, welp

You'd be amazingly lucky/fortunate if something came out just the way you envisioned or imagined it. Hahaha. It's an artist's dream. (Or I suppose it could be the norm for people that have a photographic memory.)

Yeah, it's less about something really being "hard" or "easy" and more "is this comfortable for me or not?". Styles don't necessarily have to be near our own to be able to nail them or have them turn out decently, but if there's something familiar in it, you're likely to adapt better. For example, I have an easier time adapting to other anime styles, since the size of the people generally stays the same as what I draw, etc. Whereas I tried some of my favorite characters in Wind Waker style once and it was just... a trainwreck. I couldn't figure out how to proportion them properly, because it was so far out of my proportion comfort zone in drawing. I mean, I did improve with it marginally over a few tries, but I never got fully to the point I would have wanted.

I love fanworks. Hahaha. There's so much amazing stuff out there. I browse tumblr tags pretty much every day, and not a single day goes by without seeing something highly amusing or amazing in one of the tags of the series/games I like. And Pixiv, while they have some absolutely stunning and gorgeous work there... there's also a lot of things on the weirder side out there, too. Lots of porn, for one thing. Lots. Even with stuff I avoid like the plague, like underage stuff. And you can't avoid it in pretty much ANY fandom. But yeah, I wouldn't recommend little kids to go browsing around there. At least not without the proper controls to block those things.
Alright, here's one of my pictures of Ness from last year, to show you the sort of "style" I use with him:


I'm not the best at action poses, but they're fun to try once in awhile when I'm feeling confident enough. lol Anyway, my style can vary a bit with characters I don't draw a lot, but that's about the gist of it. I draw him as a young teenager, basically.
Well, I have work tomorrow, so sleep must happen soon. But after I get back, my weekend starts, so I might be able to dredge up some time to draw a bit. We'll see. Going to stream tomorrow night, too. (Not art, but Mario Kart. : p)
Ah I see what you mean now, made him more human like :3

Well, I have work tomorrow, so sleep must happen soon. But after I get back, my weekend starts, so I might be able to dredge up some time to draw a bit. We'll see. Going to stream tomorrow night, too. (Not art, but Mario Kart. : p)
Sounds fun, Hopefully I can catch that stream! c:
Ah I see what you mean now, made him more human like :3

Sounds fun, Hopefully I can catch that stream! c:

Yeah, something like that. XD Basically, an anime character, as that's my general style. And less... chibi/short. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think it's adorable that they modeled the characters after their clay figurines. I just... can't draw like that. I would look really wonky if I tried. That or I'd have to try some semblance of a "chibi anime style" to do it.

I do plan to stream tonight, though! I think I'll shoot for around 8PM EST, but I might bump it back to 9PM EST. We'll see. Hope you can come by if you're around then. : ) It's about 3-4 hours from now.
Will it be on Twitch? I believe I'd be able to watch it on my iPad if that's the case (Since you say 3-4 Hours it'll be about 1-2AM for me at those times)
Will it be on Twitch? I believe I'd be able to watch it on my iPad if that's the case (Since you say 3-4 Hours it'll be about 1-2AM for me at those times)

Yep! I'll be streaming on Twitch TV. I'll drop a link here a little bit before I go live.
Awesome, I'll keep an eye out and hopefully watch atleast an hour c:
Sent you a PM of what I thought of the stream, was fun to watch c:
That thumbnail is adorable omg.

Haha, thanks! XD I wanted something silly and different for my YouTube thumbs, but I ended up using it as my offline screen for twitch, as well. I have different items I switch out of the hand in thumbnails, too. EX: Red shell (as shown), starman, super horn, mushroom, etc.

Sent you a PM of what I thought of the stream, was fun to watch c:

Thanks a lot for the message! I have responded and I appreciate everything that you said. : ) I'm glad you enjoyed it!
A new day, some more art to share!


Here's something I made last year, featuring my Ragnarok Online character, Melody Rose. There's tons of different clothing colors, hair dyes, and awesome headgears in the game, so I started this "color of the day of the week" trend for my character. On Sunday she would dress in pink with pink hair and pink accessories, Monday was for all blue, Tuesday for yellow/gold, Wednesday for white, etc, etc.

These were some of the color combinations and matching headgears I had her wearing throughout the week. All of the headgears that move actually move in-game. It's really fun! And I did switch up headgears throughout the week instead of always sticking with the same ones, but I just went with some of my favorite combos for this color-changing gif of her. : )

Hope you enjoy! (And yes, it's actually an OC of mine for once instead of fanart. GASP.)

Also, this is an example of my "chibi" work. I do change chibi styles sometimes, but I default to this one or something sort of like it a lot of the time.
Looks interesting! But that's what I say to most of your artwork since your art is really unique!
I swear, I can't not sound like a suck-up if I tried ;-;

I've heard alot about Ragnarok and stuff like Maplestory, I've only been on Maplestory and that was years and years back, How's Ragnarok like?
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Looks interesting! But that's what I say to most of your artwork since your art is really unique!
I swear, I can't not sound like a suck-up if I tried ;-;

I've heard alot about Ragnarok and stuff like Maplestory, I've only been on Maplestory and that was years and years back, How's Ragnarok like?

Hey, no worries about how you sound! To be honest, I'm really grateful for your feedback and that you enjoy what I have to share. I've felt a bit out of place here since I joined, being on the older side and because I don't offer shops for my art and stuff. It's nice to be accepted around here just for being yourself and sharing what you do. And you've been doing that since I started, so I really do appreciate it. Aside from you and a little handful of others who have been excellent and friendly people, I honestly probably would have left by now, for lack of fitting in.

Anyway, as far as RO goes, it's one of the only "still alive" pixel-based MMORPGs that's still going and still getting pretty timely updates from its mother country (Korea). I've always loved RPG-elements with class systems, hunting monsters, learning skills, etc. And there's a lot to like about the game, in my opinion. I used to play on the official servers years and years ago, but I've since gone to private servers. I actually just recently resigned from a Game Master position on one of the biggest RO private servers in the world (DreamerRO), which I held for two years. It was just too much stress and dealing with irate players who expect the answer to every problem even if you can't fix it, just because you're a staff member. I did enjoy it while it lasted, though. I ran a guild on RO, and it's a fantastic game for socializing and making friends with people around the world. I'm sure it won't be too long before I pick it up again.

If you don't like working in groups, though, the game is generally pretty solo-able, too. It takes some getting used to if you're not accustomed to the mechanics, but it's one of those MMOs that are easy to get addicted to, IMO.

Here's a gif I made from the game, to give you a small idea of how it looks:

Hey, no worries about how you sound! To be honest, I'm really grateful for your feedback and that you enjoy what I have to share. I've felt a bit out of place here since I joined, being on the older side and because I don't offer shops for my art and stuff. It's nice to be accepted around here just for being yourself and sharing what you do. And you've been doing that since I started, so I really do appreciate it. Aside from you and a little handful of others who have been excellent and friendly people, I honestly probably would have left by now, for lack of fitting in.

Anyway, as far as RO goes, it's one of the only "still alive" pixel-based MMORPGs that's still going and still getting pretty timely updates from its mother country (Korea). I've always loved RPG-elements with class systems, hunting monsters, learning skills, etc. And there's a lot to like about the game, in my opinion. I used to play on the official servers years and years ago, but I've since gone to private servers. I actually just recently resigned from a Game Master position on one of the biggest RO private servers in the world (DreamerRO), which I held for two years. It was just too much stress and dealing with irate players who expect the answer to every problem even if you can't fix it, just because you're a staff member. I did enjoy it while it lasted, though. I ran a guild on RO, and it's a fantastic game for socializing and making friends with people around the world. I'm sure it won't be too long before I pick it up again.

If you don't like working in groups, though, the game is generally pretty solo-able, too. It takes some getting used to if you're not accustomed to the mechanics, but it's one of those MMOs that are easy to get addicted to, IMO.

Here's a gif I made from the game, to give you a small idea of how it looks:

Yeah that's true, I still don't feel like I belong here though haha ;-;
I'm glad to have helped you feel welcome around here though!

Ah so you play on Private servers? I used to play a few for something called "Fiesta Online" dunno if you heard of it but I liked the game alot but I aint played for awhile as Team Fortress 2 has taken my time...along with Smash Brothers when it comes out.
I used to work as a "CL" (Community Leader) on a Fiesta Online private server though so I know what it's like to be bothered by constant players D':

I'm not actually super fond of guilds in general, I feel they can get too dramatic and it can just be really annoying but they can be handy for things I couldn't do alone.

That sounds great, I used to solo as a "Cleric" on the official Fiesta Online servers although so it WAS tough...but I did like it.
Yeah that's true, I still don't feel like I belong here though haha ;-;
I'm glad to have helped you feel welcome around here though!

Ah so you play on Private servers? I used to play a few for something called "Fiesta Online" dunno if you heard of it but I liked the game alot but I aint played for awhile as Team Fortress 2 has taken my time...along with Smash Brothers when it comes out.
I used to work as a "CL" (Community Leader) on a Fiesta Online private server though so I know what it's like to be bothered by constant players D':

I'm not actually super fond of guilds in general, I feel they can get too dramatic and it can just be really annoying but they can be handy for things I couldn't do alone.

That sounds great, I used to solo as a "Cleric" on the official Fiesta Online servers although so it WAS tough...but I did like it.

I guess that in the end, belonging is a state of mind. And if I don't feel that I belong yet, I suppose I'll just have to keep on trying. lol Can't expect people to do it for me, after all.

I did play on Private servers, yeah. Since I quit a few weeks ago, I haven't played. I'm sure I'll end up going back to it when I have time someday. I haven't heart of Fiesta Online, though. I generally fit well with the healing classes, but I enjoy hunters, knights, wizards... pretty much anything aside from a few classes I never cared for much (like thieves and assassins).
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