HUGE GAME FLAW: NO WINDOWS ON THE TOP FLOOR OF THE RV. lets just talk about this for a sec. the top floor of the RV clearly has windows on the outside if you buy the upgraded version of it. but when you go up the ladder they aren't even there. it makes it look so dark and small without windows i hate it. like it really annoys me. i havent even bought the upgraded RV because of this. i could understand if you still have the standard RV but if you bought the upgraded one it should include windows on the top floor inside. really nintendo??? really?????/////////?
what else could have been a cool feature the RV could have given us? i feel like being able to decorate a license plate woulda been kool
what else could have been a cool feature the RV could have given us? i feel like being able to decorate a license plate woulda been kool