Status: Closed (Until 12 AM EDT.)
Quick Links: [Unorderables] [Catalogue] [Personal Wishlist] [General Wishlist] [Uncatalogued Furniture]
Quick Links: [Unorderables] [Catalogue] [Personal Wishlist] [General Wishlist] [Uncatalogued Furniture]
So I've been expanding my catalogue and collecting non-orderable items. I'd really like to catalogue all the items I'm missing (which is a lot) and collect the item's I've been searching for. So, I've decided to open a shop, and hopefully, this will help clear my storage a bit and get me the items I'd like. But first, have a large amount of text. You can either read through it, or just go down to my items/wishlist.
- All trades will be conducted at your town - My town is a mess 90% of the time, and even after I clean up, I tend to do trades which result in a pile of items outside my train station. Unless you request otherwise, because of your own reasons, I will not automatically open my gates for you.
- I am not looking for bells - There is one exception, however. If you're looking only for items in my catalogue, then I will accept bells. While I'm interested in trades, I'm also interested in helping people get the items they want.
- Leave your offer or request - I don't know the value of items, nor do I want to play a guessing game. If you honestly have no idea what the value of the items you're offering are, or what the value of my items are, then feel free to let me offer. I will, however, charge what I deem 'fair', so you're at risk of being underpaid, since I'm stingy.
- I do not, and will not, time travel - If you're ordering from my catalogue, then you'll have to be patient. I'd rather not time travel-- the only exception being if you're on a very, very tight schedule and won't be available to pick up your items soon. In which case, let me know, and I'll do my best to accomodate you.
- Please avoid PMing me offers - I don't have a large mailbox, and I'm unable to hold many PMs. I also periodically delete them, so I will, very likely, lose your trade. For everyone's sake, post in the thread. If I need to PM you, I will, but chances are that PMs will be reserved for scheduling times.
Current Day Off: Tuesday, August 6th (I will NOT be available, however, as I'll be playing Tales of Xillia)
I have extremely inconvenient hours, and tend to work 6 days a week. Thus, for convenience sake, I've decided to leave my general schedule here. These are the times that you'll find me online, and if you'd like to arrange a time with me to trade, this is what you'll have to bear with. All times are in EDT (GMT -4).
- Sunday to Thursday: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM; 11:00 PM - 1:00 AM
- Friday and Saturday: 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM; 12:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Trading Preferences/Guidelines
I'm very lax in my trades, and I don't enjoy being underpaid. I also don't like underpaying, and won't knowingly do so. Thus, I've set some rates and notes in regards to trades.
- If you feel like you've been underpaid, let me know - In the chance that I bought something from you for much less than what it's worth, show me an example of it's value, and I'll try see what fair compensation would be. Do realize, though, that some people are much more willing to pay more for certain items. If I think that compensation wouldn't be fair for me, I'll let you know. In the worst case, I'll give you back your item(s) and you'll give me back mine.
- Unorderable items will be traded for unorderable items of equal value - I'll do 1:1 trades between Saharah exclusives, and if I have any exclusive DLC or items for trade, I'll try to do it 1:1, depending on their market demand.
- I want to complete my catalogue - If you find items that I don't have in my catalogue, even if it's not on my wish list, I'll take them. I have many sets uncatalogued, so I'd be willing to trade bells or give you an appropriate amount of items from my catalogue. I'm not worried about the cost of ordering items, as I am the time it will take for the items to arrive, so please try to be fair. I'm willing to catalogue sets I don't have for 10k/item (see for a list of furniture series, sets and themes).
- I'm fine with trading many of my catalogued items for a few of yours - If you have 5 items that I'd like or don't have catalogued, but you want like 10, I'm fine with it. But please do note that I have my priorities for catalogues, so it may take longer for your items to arrive. I place orders as late as possible, and will organize them such that the smaller trades or my more preferred trades will arrive first.
- If you have a wishlist or items you want, but that I don't have, post it anyways - I trade a lot and collect many items that I recognize as not being catalogued. I'll keep an eye out for you, especially if we've already traded. If you want some Saharah exclusive, I can also look to trade mine for the one you'd like, but there's never a guarantee that I'll be able to get it before you find one. I like trying to fill people's wishlists, so it'd be fun for me. There are exceptions, though, as I can't help you get sets from Gracie Grace, or very rare sets (Cardboard, Sloppy, 7-11), as, while I do have some spare items, I'm not actively seeking the entire set. I can, however, notify you whenever I see a thread for it.
- Unorderable Items - I also have the Setsubon Beans for trade.
- Furniture Catalogue - Updated daily, usually after a trade and after I buy out my stores.
- Real Artwork - Catalogue coming soon. I have a collection of them leftover that I don't need anymore.
- Fossils - Coming soon. I need to organize the fossils and figure out which ones I need to create the remaining models.
Today's Island Items: Mermaid Wall, Life Ring, Aloha Shorts
Every day, I'll buy one extra copy of the furniture item that appears (and wallpaper/floor). If you need it, ask me so I can buy another as a spare. Please understand that I don't have much time to get medals, and will occasionally stay up very late to earn enough. On average, I get around 15 medals every 3 minutes (if the Elite Scavenger Tour is available), excluding the loading times and dialogue. I don't mind farming medals, but please try to be fair to me.
Furniture Sets/Series
The following sets and series, excluding the unorderables, are in my catalogue:
Alpine Apple Astro Bear Blue Cafe Chess Citrus | Classic Dharma Drum Exotic Frog Kiddie Lovely Lucky Cat | Jingle Minimalist Modern Modern Wood Museum Office Panda | Regal Robo Rococo Sci-Fi Sleek Spooky Watermelon |
One day, I will be buying them and storing them on another character for the purpose of cataloging, but at this time, no such room exists for me. Feel free to order them-- perhaps in exchange for a set that I don't currently have.
My Wanted Items
Note: All statues I want can be real or fake. I don't need them for my museum.
- Personal Wishlist - I'm most interested in these items, and will pay a bit more than what might be fair. That said, I won't trade a Saharah item for a catalogue item.
- General Wishlist - Other stuff I'm interested in, and I might pay a bit more for these. Most of them are also in my personal wishlist.
- TBT Bells - Eventually, I'll be offering art for TBT Bells, but for now: 1 TBT Bells = 1000 Bells In-Game
- Unorderable Items - Including Saharahs and Regional Exclusives/DLCs, even duplicates of ones I have are fine. I like collecting unorderable items, usually to use for future trades.
- Unorderable Sets - They aren't on any of my lists, since I don't want to place sets in them, but if you have any unorderable sets (ex. from Gracie Grace, event sets) then there's a high chance I'll need it.
- Dinosaur Models or Fossils - I'll make a list soon for both, but if you have a model, let me know and I'll tell you if I need it. My average rate is 99k per model.
- Hybrids - I like collecting hybrids. At the moment, I'm most interested in: Orange Lilies, Pink Lilies, Orange Roses, Blue Roses, Purple Roses, and Pink Roses. All hybrids would be great, though.
- Furniture not in my Catalogue - There are many items that I don't have, and I would like to complete my catalogue. Order however many you deem fair for the trade.
- Shopping Trips - I'd love to check out your shops and buy what I'm missing! You can offer this to me in exchange for bells, if you're ordering from my catalogue. Otherwise, this would be a nice bonus for me, haha.
Main Interest: Orange Lilies
I'm looking for a bunch of hybrids and carnations, so if you'd rather not trade for items, I've planned out my general purchase prices. These are more based on my personal interests than on market pricing. To be honest, I'm not all that sure as to what most flowers go for. I'm not interested in violets or red carnations in the least, so I'd rather not purchase them for bells. However, feel free to trade them to me for items in my catalogue. These prices are not set in stone, as I'll be observing market trends and breeding my own flowers, so I might lose interest in some.
Carnations Pink: 250k White: 250k Cosmos Pink: 15k Orange: 20k Black: 30k | Pansies Purple: 30k Blue: 20k Orange: 15k Lilies Orange: 50k Black: 40k Pink: 45k | Roses Purple: 50k Blue: 35k Orange: 40k Pink: 20k Black: 30k Gold: 40k | Tulips Black: 20k Purple: 20k Pink: 15k Orange: 15k |
Record Keeping
More for my sake than yours, below are a list of trades I've done and notes I'm keeping. If you'd like, feel free to help fill out the wishlists of other people.
- None
- nintendofan61 - [Mermaid Sofa, Mermaid Clock, Mermaid Wall] for [Flashy Hairpin, Cyan Balloon]
- Hirisa - [Office Wall] for [Birthday Cake]
- windfall - [Baby Bed, Clackercart, Mama Polar Bear, Merry-go-Round, Mermaid Dresser] for [Heart R. Ballon, Hula Doll]
- Blues - [Alpine Kitchen Cart, Cabin Armchair, Editor's Chair, Large Alpine Table, Modern Wood Closet] for [Kagamimochi, Wheat Bundle, World Map]
- Rustybicycle - [Captain's Monitor, Crew's Monitor, Exotic Bed, Exotic Bureau, Exotic Chest, Hologram Machine, Large Space Console , Server, Space Console, Spherical Radar, Wall-mounted Monitor ] for [Asteroid, Astro Sofa, Astro Table, Double Neck Guitar, Makeup Case, Modern End Table, Rocket, Samurai Pants, Samurai Shirt, Planked Tatami]
- roroselle - [Ringside Seating] for [Wedding Cake]
- Chet-Chocobo - [150k] for [Candy Jar, Orange Balloon, Tower of Pisa, Samurai Hat, Stuffed Stocking]
- visi - [Fancy Doll, Sushi Platter] for [Lotus Lamp]
- HighwayUnichord - [Beans] for [Pirate Armor, Homework Set]
- Kurisu1701 - [Shaved Ice Lamp] for [Sand Castle, Pink Rose, Blue Rose, Orange Rose, 2 Orange Lilies]
- kuryuki - [Captain's Monitor, Ceramic Hot Pot, Crew Member's Seat, Crew's Monitor, Bathhouse Wall, Space Console, Large Space Console, Small Space Console, Low Screen, Sushi Platter, Tall Lantern, Wall-Mounted Monitor, Whiteboard, Zero Lamp] for [Arc de Triomphe, Bread Box, Cabin Low Table, Classic Wall Shelf, Coffee Cup, Coffee Grinder, Coffee Maker, Cream and Sugar, Espresso Maker, Exit Sign, Exotic Lamp, Exotic Table, Exotic Wardrobe, Tapestry]
- Find Cyan Balloon and Bunny B. Balloon for Snow.
- Aconyte's Wishlist
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