Ok guys, so last night I watched some of Season 7, and I have some stuff to say.
Twilight's Babysitting & Volunteer Spree - The episode where Twilight is asked to care for the baby (her niece) and the baby getting all upset about Twilight finally "screaming" at her kind of bamboozled me. I mean the baby wasn't listening, Twilight has been nice the whole time, and didn't come off as scary to me - just stern and disciplinary. All she did was yell, didn't even "punish" her, so I don't see what was so bad? Maybe it's just me, but I come from a strict disrespect-me-and-get-yelled at/put-in-timeout/etc household and all of my friends around me come from that as well
(that's prob 'cause I'm from and in the South, lol). I was never "tapped" that much, nor always in trouble (despite how bad I was), I was quite spoiled, so for me to get weirded out by what happened in that episode is appalling - so I thought it was kind of a negative influential "lesson."
First S7 Ep. - Starlight's Ceremony/Graduation: Why was Discord being such a ummm toolbag/"jerky" friend to Twilight in the Season's first ep.? He's supposed to be redeemed. He was acting ridiculous during Starlight's ceremony/party, and seemed like he never truly learned his friendship lessons. XD
3.) (There's probably more things I wanna talk about, but I can't think of them right now.)
guys what was the starlight glimmer x trixie ship called, again?
Idk these ships, lol - I rarely read stuff from the fanbase. The only ones I know are some of the straight ones: Rainbow Dash x Big Mac, RD x Lightning Dust, RD x Soarin, RD x Daring Do fan conventioon guy, lmao.