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Moments that made you stop playing/watching something?


OK, it's giving Jealousy
Oct 14, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Yellow Candy
Blue Train Engine
Sleek Train Car
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Ghostly Kitty Plush
Moon Bunny
Fancy Kitty Plush
Shadow Kitty Plush
Anytime your watching a movie/TV, playing a game, and then something happens in the game, that makes you stop playing it.

A favorite character dies, the only tolorable character dies, something stupid happwned that lead to an even more dumb turn in a plot.

Me, for example stopped watching Tokyo Ghoul, because my favorite character died (Though I know its complicated now) also stopped playing some games because they went from really good, to really predictable and the plot changed to something dumb

I also quite watching/playing if it becomes super sexist, and doesnt change. I take break in between Danganronpa chapters for spoiler reasons. But I still finished it.

My ex stopped playing one game because he was sick at how he had to constantly download 2 hour updates everyte he booted played a game

How about you? Have you had moments where you were triggered and havent done anything with it since?
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minor spoiler but i stopped watching teen wolf when allison died haha. this was years ago now and i have no idea why that specifically was such a turning point for me but here we are, still haven’t really watched the later seasons

that’s the first thing to come to mind, I’m sure there’s a bunch of other things I’ve given up on for one reason or another but that’s all I can think of for now lol
I stopped watching Steven Universe around the time Steven got the resurrection ability. The show was going down hard after S2, I really like S1+S2 and I kinda put up with it after that. By the time that (spoiler) happened I got completely sick of the abandoned threads and characterisation getting worse.
S1 and S2 are still flawed, but they really made up for it with a lot of great moments and better character and stuff. Plus Peridot is imo the best character and was super sidelined after S2 ended, maybe I would have put up with the show longer if she was in it more. But they flanderised her anyway. She was still kinda fun. I was really hoping it would get better again for a while, and considering how it ended (which was the kind of ending I feared + one of the worst possible endings to be honest) I’m glad I quit.

If I recall correctly the episode I mentioned was followed up by a really bad filler episode, or that just came a few episodes later, or there was a Steven Bomb after a cliffhanger that started with a really bad filler episode or something. It was something like that which really made me think about it, because I was really sick of what the show turned into and I quit there.
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There have probably been a few times I’ve done that. The biggest one I can remember was
when Glenn died in the Walking Dead. The quality quickly started falling after he was killed. Not to mention it was a painfully brutal and emotional death. It was very hard to watch and he did not deserve it.
After that I stopped watching. Which sucks because I loved Negan, but I just couldn’t get over what happened.
I stopped playing The Sims Game because they took too much computer space, took to long to load the game, and because it fried my computer. Literally burned the back part.

It wasn’t until a long time later that I got another laptop, and I have since stopped playing.
I finished the anime, but I gave up on the manga of Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic because there was just so much terribly inconsistent characterization/plot holes/other assorted things that really annoyed me when added up. There were some issues with it from the get-go, but I really thought it had something good going on at first. The manga also had a lot more violence that was toned down in the anime, and it just felt really gratuitous/shock value-y. If the anime ever got a third season, I just wouldn't even bother with it at this point.

I also tried watching Free! back when it was being really hyped up, but dropped it after a couple episodes because I got annoyed with all the fanservice.
I tend to drop a show if the art quality begins to suck really badly or if the story goes in a direction that isn't interesting to me.
I stopped playing the Sims 4 recently because of the broken HS pack and the awful wants/fears system. It's always been a rushed and buggy game but I can't put up with it anymore and have no desire to continue playing it
I’ll start watching a show and I’ll stop if it gets boring. I’m not really a show/movie person so it’s hard to keep my attention with those. If I’m not entertained, I’ll drop the show entirely.
I stopped watching Steven Universe around the time Steven got the resurrection ability. The show was going down hard after S2, I really like S1+S2 and I kinda put up with it after that. By the time that (spoiler) happened I got completely sick of the abandoned threads and characterisation getting worse.
S1 and S2 are still flawed, but they really made up for it with a lot of great moments and better character and stuff. Plus Peridot is imo the best character and was super sidelined after S2 ended, maybe I would have put up with the show longer if she was in it more. But they flanderised her anyway. She was still kinda fun. I was really hoping it would get better again for a while, and considering how it ended (which was the kind of ending I feared + one of the worst possible endings to be honest) I’m glad I quit.

If I recall correctly the episode I mentioned was followed up by a really bad filler episode, or that just came a few episodes later, or there was a Steven Bomb after a cliffhanger that started with a really bad filler episode or something. It was something like that which really made me think about it, because I was really sick of what the show turned into and I quit there.
The way SU was handled by Cartoon Network was super frustrating. You mentioned Steven Bombs and I think that was the biggest issue with it. They'd drop 5 eleven minute episodes on you and then peace out for several months at a time. I actually watched through the whole run of the original series but didn't see the movie until last year since there was like a nine month gap in between it and the series finale. I'm not really interested in Steven Universe Future so I haven't watched it outside of the episode that gives Lars and Sadie's relationship some closure.
I stopped watching Stranger Things when it basically switched to the horror genre.
As for games, I can only think of examples like Pokemon Shuffle, Pokemon Quest, etc. where it became far too difficult to progress further so I gave up. It was always those free-to-play Pokemon games where I had that issue.
Usually, when I stop watching or playing something it's not a definitive decision but more of a gradual thing. I don't have time or I become more interested in other things so I put it on the back burner and never get back around to it. But there have been a few times I actively dropped something.

Magia Record - This spin-off of Madoka Magica was terrible. The visuals were still cool but the story was a jumbled mess, especially when it decided to bring in the original characters presumably to revive interest. I realized I dreaded every new episode air date because it had become a chore to watch. That's when it was time to stop.

MapleStory - I played this game for a long time and leveled up multiple characters and classes. I loved that it was an MMO that could mostly be soloed. I liked the 2D aspect, the character design options, and the gameplay. So what drove me away? The hackers! It was bad enough when they would come in and steal your map, but every time I got a really nice piece of gear I would get hacked and it would be stolen. To work so hard on something only to have it taken away before I really got to enjoy it was too much. I quit.

Aion - Another MMO that I played for a long time and created multiple characters, but I quit because of the community. When the game first came out, it wasn't so bad. Sure, there will always be some jerks, but it wasn't everybody. Sadly, more and more players left the game. Servers had to be combined. I dropped my secondary character because I lost her name during a server move. I create characters with a vision in mind. Their name, look, and class all fit a story in my head. So when the name got reset because someone on the new server already had it, that character didn't feel like mine anymore. Then, they went free-to-play and that's when all the problems really started. The influx of players didn't know how to play, didn't seem to want to learn, and didn't care one bit about proper etiquette. I couldn't complete any party instances without total failure, and if an item I needed dropped, they would greed roll just to sell it. I had enough.
I stopped playing ranked on Warfare since they implemented cross-play. PS and Xbox are on 60fps and Switch on 40fps. It broke the game for me. I couldn't get a kill because of lagging. It was so frustrating. Even my clan stopped playing.
For those who have watched SAO, there is a scene in the first or second season that depicts one of the main charaters being sexually assaulted. I won't go too much into detail because I understand that's a trigger for some people, but it was really messed up imo and made me stop watching it immediately.
For those who have watched SAO, there is a scene in the first or second season that depicts one of the main charaters being sexually assaulted. I won't go too much into detail because I understand that's a trigger for some people, but it was really messed up imo and made me stop watching it immediately.
Just reminded me of one prominent abandon to a show for me: The Magicians. I watched the first season and really was into it, and then there was an episode with sexual assault in it. It kept getting brought back up explicitly for the next few episodes, so I was super hesitant to watch the next season when it came out. Upon talking to a friend about the show, he revealed that they keep referring back to that scene again in the second season, so I’m glad I dropped it.

Also, thanks for the heads up on SAO. Multiple people have recommended that series to me. >>;
For those who have watched SAO, there is a scene in the first or second season that depicts one of the main charaters being sexually assaulted. I won't go too much into detail because I understand that's a trigger for some people, but it was really messed up imo and made me stop watching it immediately.

SAO in general isn't that good. It's actually pretty bad imo. I used to know people who were obsessed with it, but the show itself really goes downhill after the first season. While the concept is interesting, it's just not a good show and is at the top of the list for anime I will never watch, simply because of all of the problems with how it was executed.
I liked the first half of season 1 of SAO, but it went downhill for me after that. I believe the scene in question is in the second half of season 1 and that's part of the reason I stopped liking it along with the fact that the characters and writing seemed to get worse. I stuck it out a few more seasons, but it was always hit or miss for me. I might like one setting or story arc for a while, but then they'd move on and I'd hate it again.
The Marvel universe. I used to be really excited about the films pre-Endgame. The end credits scenes used to really get me hyped for the next films. When I saw Endgame, I immediately decided to stop watching anything Marvel. I decided to stop not because Endgame was the "endgame" but because there were just too many problems from a story/writing perspective for me to care what happens to that shared universe. Any deux ex machina involving time travel is an instant "no" from me. I haven't watched anything from "phase bore" but from what I'm hearing I'm not really missing anything.
I do not know if anyone here has ever related to this, but when you are playing those idle money-making games, but the amount of money you have gets cut off on some of them. I think this is only an issue with the iPhone X and later ones. And I am not sure about other phone companies.