More Crossovers?

Splatoon 2, with Pearl and Marina based villagers! I'd also love it if Zelda, 7-eleven, and Monster Hunter villagers (and furniture) returned.
I want a separate Animal Crossing game with all Pokemon as villagers. HHD style is fine with me.

Or... Kirby. I am curious how he will translate into an animal. Penguin maybe?
As others have stated, the only crossover that I would care about that I think would be realistically possible would be Pokemon.
I would suggest or say they would do four characters, except for the fact of how popular Pokemon is. I could see them doing 6 like the Sanrio.
Obviously they would do a pikachu one. Maybe it would be a mouse or bunny villager.
I feel like they would do the worn out first gen trio along with meowth and either togepi or eevee making all 6. though I would be perfectly fine with meowth togepi and eevee because they are cute and cute furniture could also be made referring to them easily...
Wishes I would love to see:
Appletun It gives a new opportunity for another Alligator Villager with a dragon build. Plus apple pie things <3
Espeon and Umbreon.. they could be like Nan and Chevre when it comes to their houses. cat villagers. furniture, ancient magic night and day things.
Dragonite again, another opportunity for another alligator Villager with a dragon build... Also furniture could be references to the sea, lighthouses, beaches, and Clouds.
Ampharos a horse villager with a giraffe like build. references to weather for furniture
Cubone I would go with a alligator villager.. references to furniture would be fossils, caves, rocky stuff and earthy colors.

These are the only ones that come to mind, but there other awesome pokemon out there that could work. Even though I did list two that could be cat villgars,... I would prefer to see crossovers take the opportunity to expand on villager species that there aren't much off.. such as the octopus family and omanyte...
More Sanrio characters, please. A pokemon crossover would be really cute too!
I would love to see more Sanrio characters... even though I am only familiar with hello kitty and gudetama. I really like gudetama.
but look at all the cute potential here!


I also wouldn't mind seeing new "normal" animal crossing characters that have an interest in a show/movie/video game that just happens to have furniture that references that.
I would love to see more Sanrio characters... even though I am only familiar with hello kitty and gudetama. I really like gudetama.
but look at all the cute potential here!


I also wouldn't mind seeing new "normal" animal crossing characters that have an interest in a show/movie/video game that just happens to have furniture that references that.

Right? Just look at all the potential!
I'm hoping they unlock the series five RV cards the same way they are doing with Sanrio.

All the REALLY awesome items back. ^_^
I'm hoping they unlock the series five RV cards the same way they are doing with Sanrio.

All the REALLY awesome items back. ^_^
The RV amiibo cards? They don't work? I never tried to invite any of the ones I do have.
Considering there's no Zelda items in the game right now, I agree with the others - the Zelda villagers are probably coming back at some point. There's no reason not to since it's a Nintendo IP. And since Splatoon 3 is in the works, they will probably save the Splatoon stuff for an upcoming cross-promotion.

I would like to see Felyne come back, but that's a bit harder since Nintendo doesn't own Monster Hunter. I hope it happens.

I frankly wouldn't mind more Nintendo first party items and some Pokemon items. I've always been surprised Pokemon items aren't found in Animal Crossing. It'd be an easy get.
The RV amiibo cards? They don't work? I never tried to invite any of the ones I do have.
They work to invite villagers to the campsite and move in.

I'm talking about unlocking the item content in the cards the same way they are doing with Sanrio.
I'm not a big fan of crossovers to be honest. The one coming is very cute but I don't know it so I think it helps haha. Zelda could be cool, but not the others. I love our current villagers.
But more items definitely yes!
I'd honestly like to see them do something with Aggretsuko. Aggretsuko being so appealing to adults with her The Office-esque story would be nice too since there's plenty of adult players of AC.
Aggretsuko is really cute! There are a bunch of cute characters they could make into villagers and it'd be interesting to see what sort of items they'd make. A karaoke machine and a bunch of office stuff would be fun.
I wouldn't want a Pokemon crossover.

I wish they had chosen MH or Zelda instead of Sanrio.

We really don't need anymore girly, pastel useless furniture.
That's all we keep getting.

I'll never be able to theme my island without the gorgeous and rococo sets. :(
Honestly I’m not the biggest fan of crossovers— they’re great but not fantastic, y’know? The Splatoon villagers were particularly unattractive to me, and even some of the Sanrio ones feel off. I prefer to keep the gimmicky crossovers to a minimum, but that’s just me