More proof theat luck helps

#Garrett said:
K.K. said:
#Garrett said:
K.K. said:
#Garrett said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
I am really proud of you
Ah! my mistake I read your post wrong. xD

No i'm not going to put frosting over a lie.

If you don't get that it means

I'm not going to lie so you feel good about doing something in a video game.
Well if you dont want to do that here is something else stop looking down on people
How am.......

I have better things to do then have an online fight with some kid I never met before.

If it makes you soooo happy i'll leave ^_^ then I can "stop looking down on you ^_^ "
K bye
Horus said:
my luck ownz your luck >:]
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my proof XD

sorry i meant to edit post, not quote >_<