Moshi Monsters is shutting down


Mayor of Hakiki'ili
Jul 16, 2015
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Cherry (Fruit)
User Title Color Change
Tasty Cake
White Rose
Red Candy
Winter Mittens
Orange Mote of Flame
Yellow Candy
Rip it's shutting down December 13. I've had my account for almost 10 years now and it's literally a huge part of my childhood. Oh well... it was fun while it lasted. ;;
I never got into Moshi Monsters, but I saw a lot of ads for it a few years ago. Always sad to see a site shut down like that, even if I don't use it myself.
I heard the news too :( Very sad about that, honestly this whole cancelling flash thing seemed like such a bad idea...

Actually made a new account just so I can play a few more times before the end.
omfg moshi monsters was my childhood and this makes me SO sad. i still have a moshi monsters cushion on my bed i loved it so much
I loved that game lol i forgot my pw on my oldest one and i had another but i got banned for writing mindless self indulgence lyrics on the post it notes
thats so sad. i used to play all the time as a kid. i loved the pink one with the boots. it always bugged me there was no chat feature though

one time me and my mom were in the attic (our computer room used to be in there) trying to buy a moshi membership and out of nowhere a bigass bat swooped down and just created absolute chaos all over the room. We were screaming and ran downstairs but she forgot to buy the membership for me the next day. I think I just associate moshi monsters with that memory now and im still salty
Seriously? Shoot, I used to love that game. It was practically my childhood.
Never got into it, but I feel bad for those who played this game for years now and have to deal with that it gets shut down soon. :/
a few weeks ago i found some fanart for a moshi monsters contest that i did years ago. i didnt write my username on it for some reason and i still have no idea what it was. it was one of the first virtual world games that i played and i was obsessed with it, i might log in on the last day to see how many people show up to say goodbye
It's more interactive than Neo Pets.

That's a shame, I'm sure some fans will find a way to host private servers for it. :/

I never really got into neo pets myself, but i remember my older siblings playing it when I was little. The game I got into was club penguin but even that went not so long ago.
I feel very sorry for those who enjoyed that game. I've never understood the point of shutting down children's virtual worlds, no matter how "outdated" they are?why can't they just keep the site up without updating it?
Oh dang, that's rough. I remember playing it briefly when I was younger, but never got very invested. I'd be so sad if one of my childhood web games was being shut down though, so I sympathize with all of you :(