I hate the ones that are on my index finger right where the tip bends those hurt lmao
Is it still considered a paper cut when a plastic binder slices you open? Because those are the worst
The most painful paper cut I've ever had was right between my toes...(don't ask).
I was the most painful thing ever.
Also does it count that it was cardboard? It's made out of trees.
this thread keeps making me imagine getting a paper cut when i read someone's post and it's awful lmao
all paper cuts are painful cause i'm weak and they a l l hurt okay :'(((
One time I got a paper cut on an extremely thick piece of paper that was almost as thick as the cardboard on a cereal box. The paper was for an art project and luckily I didn't get any blood on the paper, would have lost somehow even more points because the art looked like trash. I got cut on the tip of my thumb
Cardboard cuts are the worst.
I get them all the damn time too.